'Game over man!' - Hudson 1:1 headsculpt.

Wow, thanks guys!

FXGuy Simply outstanding, Wily!

You're living proof that sculpting is not a dying art!

Props on the technique- personally I use a stipple sponge for "crows feet" and an 'orange peel' latex casting off of an actual orange for the pores on some of my work [nothing to even remotely compete to your's- you're simply far too superior to anything I've done!]

Simply magnificent- truly your detailing and capture of both subject and emotional reflection is to be commended!
Thanks FXGuy! I never really got the hang of texture pads, but props to people like yourself who have though cos I've found it to be a delicate art.

gunnerk19 Quote:
One thing though... you have to do a Chet version. :)
Yeah, this one... :lol
:lol Brilliant! I think that conversion might be a little bit too challenging though :D

SpankyMcJedi Awesome sculpt! I read the thread title and for some reason I thought Hudson Hawk.... :rolleyes But when I saw the pic I was like wow, DUH. I guess I just haven't seen Aliens enough times :lol
Thanks SpankyMcJedi! Hudson Hawk! :sick I think I'd refuse that commission if it ever came along :lol

Well, I managed to make the core/skull this week which I'm in the process of moulding right now. Heres some funny pics:









Thanks for looking,
Just plain freakin' awesome work man. I've been looking forward to seeing this as is progresses-your skills are second to none!

Wow! You guys are extremely kind :$

ReturningSon Awesome!!! Will a run be done of these?...
I'll hopefully be offering casts of both Hudson and Hicks over at the Aliens Legacy boards and in the Junkyard here next week sometime :thumbsup

RacerX is theat made out of silicone? great work, great likeness!
Yeah, its a really nice translucent silicone. Feels creepy real!

Thanks everyone,
I really like the way silicone gives that depth to the realisim of ones sculpt. Looks really like him!

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