Dredd Sequel

Well I've watched the film... about five times now! :lol :thumbsup

Thought it was great! I was a little concerned about the premise of the entire film taking place in a building (What is this? Die Hard? :lol) however once things got rolling that thought never crossed my mind!

Probably the best use of slow motion I've seen in a film yet! And (I assume ;) ) a pretty accurate depiction of seeing the world through the eyes of someone high on drugs- the "sparkley" bits and increased brightness.

Karl Urban just owned that role! Mind you... I've never read a Judge Dredd comic. :$

Fingers crossed they make another!

Now I want a "Dredd 2012" Judge's uniform... God help my bank account. :cry :lol

I'd say 95% of this Dredd looked better then the stallone version. What's funny to me is that version they pretty much used the comic style armor, but not the helmet, where in the new one, realistic armor with a tribute to the comic style but the most real world representation of the comic helmet and Lawgiver.
well I think they really got back to the first issues of the Dredd comics, where he wore a more motorbike outfit… so very close translation so far for me.
Fingers crossed for a sequel, I loved the new Dredd. Way better than Stallone's take! Would be nice to see the Dark Judges in future...

If anyone hasn't read the comics, you really should... they're fantastic. The Judge Dredd Case Files (i.e. all the Dredd strips from the last 30-odd years) have been on the shelves for some time now, and are currently up to volume 20. I have a stack of them that I'm going through at the minute.
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They rebooted the series through IDW and are 5 or 6 issues in. So far it's really not a bad read. They also have a year one series going alongside it of dredd's beginning as a judge. I'm digging both.
The cynic in me wonders if this is just a ploy to get sales numbers up.

Sent from my Etch-A-Sketch
Maybe they're waiting for a sequel to "The Raid: Redemption" so they can be consistent with their source screenplay material.
I know you were probably just joking, but in case someone is still under the impression that Dredd borrowed story elements from The Raid (which is merely a coincidence), read the following. I had also posted this in the Dredd pre-release thread back in June 2012.

Gareth Evans director of The Raid tweeted the following on June 21, 2012 when the Dredd trailers and promotions had started off.

"‘Dredd’ looks great, not concerned at all about similarities. That film was in production around the same time we finished The Raid."

"Regardless, Urban looks kickass and I love the scale of it and the beauty of that muzzle flash burst. Can’t wait to see it!"

Then someone added the following which he retweeted.
" this :) “@Greygor: @ghuwevans To be fair Dredd started filming 4 or 5 months before The Raid. Not, as you say, that it matters” "
I know you were probably just joking, but in case someone is still under the impression that Dredd borrowed story elements from The Raid (which is merely a coincidence), read the following. I had also posted this in the Dredd pre-release thread back in June 2012.

Gareth Evans director of The Raid tweeted the following on June 21, 2012 when the Dredd trailers and promotions had started off.

"‘Dredd’ looks great, not concerned at all about similarities. That film was in production around the same time we finished The Raid."

"Regardless, Urban looks kickass and I love the scale of it and the beauty of that muzzle flash burst. Can’t wait to see it!"

Then someone added the following which he retweeted.
" this :) “@Greygor: @ghuwevans To be fair Dredd started filming 4 or 5 months before The Raid. Not, as you say, that it matters” "
I didn't mean to come off as bitterly as I probably did. I enjoyed both films very much for different reasons.

The formula isn't entirely original (c.f. New Jack City ... even Game of Death (1978)) so any argument regarding plagiarism falls apart.

Like a lot of folks I was, at first, surprised then amused with the similarities.
Dredd sequel comic book one-shot titled Underbelly is releasing in Jan 2014.

Dredd Underbelly Movie Sequel One Shot - Midtown Comics

"The one-shot sequel to the critically-acclaimed movie! In the wake of Ma-Ma's death, other criminal gangs in Mega-City One are moving into the power vacuum, trying to fill the gap in the market left by the Slo-Mo drug. When a corpse dump is discovered in a rad-pit, the bodies are all revealed to be mutants. Could the dead be connected with an outfit smuggling illegal refugees into the city from the Cursed Earth? Dredd once again teams with Psi-Judge Anderson as they scour the underworld for the perps responsible, to bring them to justice! "

Ten page preview

The comic book sequel to DREDD is coming! - YouTube

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I never really liked the comics. the gun toting "punisher" type bad ass never did it for me in comics. I like it in movies but in comics it just doesn't come off for me. But having said that-- DREDD was a great movie!!
So I actually read some of the articles and they all talk about "pre-odering" ending last Monday. Does this mean I won't be able to walk into the local comic store and buy it or are the going to gouge me over the price?
They are likely suggesting to pre-order one for yourself so that you don't miss out on it, in case your local comic store doesn't order enough copies or worse.. doesn't order any. Online pre-ordering will get you certain discount, not sure how much LCS will charge later on, perhaps the full price at $3.99 ?
So I actually read some of the articles and they all talk about "pre-odering" ending last Monday. Does this mean I won't be able to walk into the local comic store and buy it or are the going to gouge me over the price?

I wouldn't worry too much. I don't know how many comic shops you have in your city but you shouldn't have any trouble. My comic shop always makes sure to have extras of comics on the shelves in addition to preorders. As long as you go in that Wednesday, you'll probably be able to snag a copy. I forgot to preorder mine but I'll just go in next week and ask me to throw a copy in my file.
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