Done / Completed DREDD 3D Lawgiver kit by morganthirteen & joatrash (OPEN))

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Thanks Helo. Exactly... 100% non functional and solid (but hopefully with a hollow and separate magazine).

Hi everyone, I just wanted chime in and confirm that the above *will be* true. I'm currently in the process of adapting the printed parts from Joe's superb model for molding. I will post some WIP photos tomorrow when I've gotten to a certain point so everyone can see what we've got in mind...

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

I would love one of these, count me in

Small edit: just to say I'm also in the UK
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Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Here's a few quick photos (taken with my phone) of the pattern as it is right now...

This is the 3D printed shell as it's been partially attached to the Glock airsoft that I was finally able to locate. You can see some of the styrene backing that I've had to add for the pupose of making this version a solid casting. The two vents on the barrel shroud have been covered up with a thin piece of styrene inside the shroud. These will stay in place to make the molding easier and then can be cut out after casting..


This photo shows that 3D printing still has some improving to do. Joe made a perfect model, but you can see the "dropped-out" area underneath the upper receiver vents. There was still some more sanding to do in other areas when this photo was taken...


I've attached nearly all the necessary pieces. The forward magazine will be a separate part, hollow, and come with ammo and some clear plastic "windows"...


Now it's starting to take shape, though there's still some more sanding and finish work to do...


I'll have another update closer to next weekend when I hope to be ready to start making the molds. Thanks for looking!

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

interested, please add me to the list.

I've tried to read both threads (this one and the R&D one) but couldn't find the suggested G17 airsoft replica to use. I suppose I need to find the exact model to that the kit fits (when working on the LG mkII, every brand of airsoft had minor differences in the measurements). Any linky to the right model to use ?

thanks !
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Erv, this is is s SOLID "stunt" kit with Glock cast into it- you will not be able to add an airsoft to it. With the big focus on Judge trooping this summer, most folks will want a non-functional dummy that can be taken to cons without fear of damage.

I have to say that Shawn is taking this model to the next level. The stunt casts might even end up looking better than the hero I'm working on!

IMPORTANT: As these are now getting closer to going into silicone, I again ask everyone to let us know if you DON'T want one within the next month or so. The list is now becoming so large that we need to gauge how many that a re ready to commit in that time frame (including those signed up for different LG builds). Also, since I assume these will be done in batches, I ask that once they DO begin casting and such, please be fairly quick in responding so that we don't have folks waiting. THANKS! :)
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Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

damnit :cry thanks a lot for detailing this as I'm a late catcher. Not going on the list then, sorry :$

I definitely need a "working" unit as, with no surprise, I'm going to design some electronics for it.

thanks !
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Excellent, please add me to the list.
Some questions:
1. will the flash hider be removable to accommodate switching to silencer mode ?
2. will you be doing a "silencer" add on ?
3. Did you say you thought it was feasible to add electronics to this if desired ?

I appreciate your time.
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Looks awesome, please add me to the list.
Some questions:
1. Will the flash hider be removable to accommodate switching to silencer mode ?
2. Will there be a "silencer" add on ?
3. Did you say it was feasible to add electronics if so desired ?

I appreciate your time. :)
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

@blerner: The plan is to cast them in black or dark grey.

Looks awesome, please add me to the list.
Some questions:
1. Will the flash hider be removable to accommodate switching to silencer mode ?
2. Will there be a "silencer" add on ?
3. Did you say it was feasible to add electronics if so desired ?

1: Perhaps not removable but we've talked about doing something to enable a silencer. No promises though.
2: It wasn't part of the initial plan but we've talked about it. Adding pieces will raise the cost somewhat and right now this will be a huge undertaking for Shawn if everyone on the list actually ends up getting one, so we'll see what can be done time-wise. We'll discuss it some more- maybe it can be done as a future addon.
3: We have talked about two casting options (NOT set in stone yet). Either solid 100% resin castings or rotocast resin shell with foam filling (like Shawn's Aliens incinerator). The latter will make the gun weigh very little but the foam would be easier to dremel out than solid resin. You would also have to arrange a new bevel for the ammo display- either by scratch building or ordering the replacement we'll arrange (maybe directly from the sh*peways shop or something). We'll see.
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

I have looked at all the available Glock models in the UK nearly all are exactly the same , Barr two which are a couple of mm bigger , but not enough to make a difference, the are split between pure airsoft spring operated (means cocking for each shot ) to gas fully auto blowback , the main difference is simply cost the lowest cost Is the single shot airspft at apps £25.00 to fully auto at £150 hope this is useful to all
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

I have looked at all the available Glock models in the UK nearly all are exactly the same..... hope this is useful to all

Thanks for digging up that info but just so there is no confusion, I need to reiterate once more:

This run is for a SOLID, COMPLETE casting of the Lawgiver and not shells that you can put an airsoft into.

I realize that the WIP photos lead people to quickly-drawn conclusions so I want to ask that newcomers please read the info in the first post. We do not want to receive complaints once these start shipping saying that they were not what people were expecting.

The Glock will be solid resin, cast into the shell and it would be very hard (if not impossible) to make a "working" airsoft out of it. If you want a moving trigger, you could (if you are skilled) probably cut out the solid Glock handle and replace it with a cut-down airsoft Glock lower receiver (sans barrel, slide and so on) and you will probably (again, if yo are skilled) be able to dremel out space to add an EL-sheet to light it up.

(To make it a little less confusing I went back and removed the photos I had in the first post showing the base coated shell with the glock.)

Thanks! :)
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