Definitive ANH Falcon Interior

you mentioned that Luke's station would have been floor mounted, but I'm not sure I'm following you on that. I think both stations are identical.

That is to say that Luke and Han are sitting on the same plane of re-directed gravity, down is the same for both of them. The guns hang down in front of each of them, which puts down toward the nose of the falcon while they're sitting in the stations. That's of course only consistent with the exterior of the Falcon. Nevermind how the ladder is turned around weird inside the ship, which would actually put both guns hanging "down" toward the port quarter.
You are ABSOLUTELY correct... I just did a quick sketch. Not sure HOW or WHY I thought that... I'm losing it, man!
I REMEMBER - the confusion around the placement of the guns was caused by how our heroes entered the gunner station. Han went up the ladder head first - Luke went down the ladder feet first. This created a bit confusion from the filming aspect. If I'm correct... it should have been filmed where we see Luke with his back toward the bottom of the screen going into the gunner station.

I think that's where I got confused... LOL

Make sense?
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I was just looking at that the other night, climbing down and then entering the station feet first (meanwhile having a 90° shift in artificial gravity) sounds incredibly awkward and disorienting. On set, Mark Hamill is crawling backwards on a horizontal ladder and trying to get into an upright chair feet-first.... rehearsal must have either been awful or hilarious (or both)

now actually this does kind of present a fun idea. In order to reconcile the interior ladder angle with the exterior laser mount orientation, the guns would have to come up from the "floor" at two different angles around 4 and 8 o'clock, being different for either Han or Luke (I think.... wait...)

Checked, and yeah, it would look like this

Han's "up" station


Luke's "down" station

kind of cool right?

seems like it would be a bit mind bendy for aiming though. If you swing the chair left and right, the gun goes side to side on a plane diagonal to you by about 45°
Also... as I mentioned, take into consideration how Luke and the ladder were both positioned when he entered the gunner station...
Seems to me that the only way to reconcile the gun, seat, and ladder positions with what we see in the movie is to have the entry/up be aft, but then it doesn't fit with the other interior shots. Or the entry angle can stay how it is and the ladder/down can be fore. That way, unless I've missed something, the only thing that doesn't match the film is the ladder position, and maybe that can be handwaved away by saying the ladder is on some sort of track that lets it swing around in the tube. Not that that makes any sense either, but it seems to contradict the film the least. Of course, I don't know the Falcon nearly as well as you guys do, so I'm probably missing something. And the whole thing is just making me kind of dizzy.

(Maybe a better explanation is that the ship was designed by Cthulhu.)
thanks for weighing in SigsegV. I think you've got some good points...

alright, gonna put the lid back on this can of worms, and remind myself that this is a definitive copy of the interior movie set, not a Ship of Riddle solution...

so I'm going to keep the impossible ladder/laser orientation, as it's consistent with the orientations seen in both the main hold/corridors set piece, and the horizontal quad-laser turret set piece...
Starkiller has it absolutely right on target! It was the way MH was filmed going down the tube that caused me and several others to wonder about the position of the turrets vs the tunnel vs the ladder vs the filming vs the etc etc etc...

We can go about business... move along... move along...

I almost missed this thread. My favorite set of all time and now I can study it even more.

Well done!

They used the IG88 heads for everything.
well Mr Sofaking pointed out to me that the main component of the quad laser also shows up in Yavin Base, on a big piece of deck equipment. Once I figured confirmed that, I was able to photomatch the part in Yavin Base, and apply that to my quad laser. Looks like the laser is made up of two of these doohickeys. What's more, looks like the quad lasers on the exterior falcon set are the same things, probably the actual full-sized quad lasers stripped down to a more compact size. And it also appears on the full scale ESB falcon's exterior.




Renders to come.

thanks for your keen eye, Sofaking!


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this batch of renders feels a bit like a jumble.

well first, here's that new part set up in the turret, as it's shown during the Tie battle.


and here's how the same prop, torn down to size, looked on the exterior prop. This is actually from my ESB falcon exterior model, but from looking at photos of the ANH exterior set piece, I'm pretty sure the same arrangement was used. It's really been driving me nuts that they put the guns on sticks, instead of cantilevering them out as they appear on the model and in the turret set piece, but... well you can't win 'em all. I'll probably cheat and make some kind of cantilever arrangement, but for now I'm exploring how the props looks pretty explicitly.


and finally, here's the piece of junk we see in Yavin Base.


does this bit of junk look familiar to anyone?

the object would fit in a roughly 1.5' cube, a little wider than long, and a little shorter too.


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Hey S,

I was just looking over the Leaked EP VII images of the cockpit. Did you notice they removed the flat plexi / acrylic pieces on the upper console instrument and replaced with the original dome panel lights! Can't believe it took me this long to see it... :)
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