I received my board from tengel07. Fantastic, works extremely well (as shown in the videos above). I purchased the main board and the neopixel module (I didn't buy the sound board so I can't comment on that). I sourced my own RGB LEDs from ebay but (of course) they came with the wrong plug on the end. I scavenged the appropriate plug from the existing wiring and soldered the wires where I removed the plug.
You will need to install an APK on your mobile device (android) to make it run and your device will need to support Bluetooth Low Emissions (BLE).
The app works well and you can name each channel (cockpit, landing etc) to easily identify which lights you are switching. The twinkling, pulsing engine light effect is really fantastic and adds greatly to the impression the model gives.
I perhaps found a little bug in the APK where a channel LED was changed to blinking or flashing, saving it back to static (non flashing) did not work, so you may not wish to set a channel to blink or flash unless you are certain that is the setting you want. I used a work around to set the LED to 10000ms on/ 50ms off.