Dark Shadows trailer out...

Wow, had no idea they were going that way.

But sometimes the comedy patch is the only way to make a movie version work.

The ones that try to be serious always seem to suck. But the Starsky and Hutch, Dukes and Brady Bunch all were hilarious because didn't get too serious. I'd also add that the Brady Bunch is not only just funny but brilliant.

I watched the original show back in the day, all the remakes.

I'll give it a shot. Just wasn't expecting jokes. I really was hoping for a really spooky performance by Depp. Maybe next time.
Mark Kermode quoted a movie-exec who said that the name/brand recognition of remakes "cut through the clutter" of new material. So in other words, remakes are now the default position, original material is risky.
Mark Kermode quoted a movie-exec who said that the name/brand recognition of remakes "cut through the clutter" of new material. So in other words, remakes are now the default position, original material is risky.

What is this clutter of new material you're talking about? If anything, it's a clutter of ****ing remakes.
I was excited when I first heard that Burton was doing Dark Shadows. So much so that I started to watch the original TV show. I even remember seeing the reboot when it came out in the 90's. With so much story in it, how could they go wrong?

As a fan of most of Burton's films, I have to say that this trailer looks awful. Very disappointed that they didn't take a more serious route for this film. What Burton has done is basically made a "Not another teenage movie" movie, with vampires. Fish out of water jokes I find to be rather cliche and this trailer was chalk full of them :facepalm. I'll pass on this one
Well im going to be in the minority. I never got into nor was interested in the original or the reboot. I didnt even want to watch the trailer because I had zero interest in a soap opera.

But I watched it and was quite surprised that it was going to be part comedy. It got me into wanting to see it now.

Im sure this movie will be split down the middle. Fans of the original prolly arent gonna like it, but people like me prolly will.
Well im going to be in the minority. I never got into nor was interested in the original or the reboot. I didnt even want to watch the trailer because I had zero interest in a soap opera.

But I watched it and was quite surprised that it was going to be part comedy. It got me into wanting to see it now.

Im sure this movie will be split down the middle. Fans of the original prolly arent gonna like it, but people like me prolly will.

Here's the weird part about all of this.

I'm betting that folks like you are precisely who the producers are counting on. Which, in turn, begs the question of why they'd want to go with a branded property in the first place, right?

I mean, if the theory is "We want a brand name so that people will feel comfortable spending their money on it and want to look at it," then why would you change the story/tone/style so much that it's functionally a different thing altogether, and to the point where the original fanbase is so irked that they won't go see it?

There must be some study out there that shows that people with zero knowledge of the original material are MORE inclined to see something that already existed -- ESPECIALLY if they never watched the original. Like, merely knowing "This is not new or unknown" is enough to get people to show up and THAT'S why we keep seeing branded properties that have so little to do with the underlying material and where the producers are so disdainful of the hardcore fans.
Call it what it is, Crap Shadows.
While I was hoping that Burton was going to go fullout gothic horror like Hammer I admit that the trailer looks rather amusing. It may be good for a laugh.
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Well im going to be in the minority. I never got into nor was interested in the original or the reboot. I didnt even want to watch the trailer because I had zero interest in a soap opera.

But I watched it and was quite surprised that it was going to be part comedy. It got me into wanting to see it now.

Im sure this movie will be split down the middle. Fans of the original prolly arent gonna like it, but people like me prolly will.

What's a prolly?

What's a prolly?

Prolly = Probably

Ah, got it. Thought is was some sort of lingo I wasn't getting.

It is....

hah nah it was me being lazy and rushing to post in between meetings.

Everybody uses prolly, or did back in the day of AIM and stuff....
It is a naturally occurring error spelling of probably when you're
speed typing through IMs and it became common slang when IMing
or chatting IIRC......

.....and to stay on topic--Really, Depp bought his way into Dark Shadows? Must be nice to be so rich!!

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