criticisms of the new VW Star Wars Ad

It seems like the 'usual' Vader costume they use, like back in the Target add from a few years ago. It looks like Vader, just not Vader from the OT movies.

Could be worse, they could be using an EP3 Vader or a Rubies. At least this one looks better then either of those.
Wow, holy nit-picking!

The Vader helmet is actually officially approved by Lucasfilm for live, promotional appearances. You can't get any more accurate than having the parent company stamp it with their "OK".

It's vacuum-formed plastic and it's the same suit used for the characters at Disney World.

I can assure you, it is full-sized.

As far as the nitpicking goes, how about the background character wearing the cantina band member mask with the neck on the OUTSIDE of the costume!?!

The Tonika Sisters are wearing two different color leotards.
Ponda Bobba's jacket is not orange.

The plumbing is inaccurate behind the bar.

The cantina didn't have flat screen TV's.

There's no giant preying mantis in the background.

Jeez people, get over it! The crew involved did a SPECTACULAR job. Who cares if Vaders helmet is 1/2MM off in height??
That's correct about the Vader... VERY full size! Big guy. Have to say the vac formed mask was beautiful in person. Clever way to cut down weight and looked amazing in person.

I realize you were just picking other nits to have a go at the Vader folks and I don't want to go nit-for-tat (ha!)... but...

The Tonnika sisters' costumes are actually blue and green in the film (just that most stills we've seen were black and white or improperly colorized) and the band head (which is a prequels-used mask supplied by Lucasfilm) was wearing a beige scarf that just LOOKED like the bib untucked :)

Just having fun here though. I agree totally that the folks on set and in production did some great work and I know the costumer tried her best to get the closest she could that time (and budget) allowed. The set was just INCREDIBLE considering how quickly it all came together.

That's correct about the Vader... VERY full size! Big guy. Have to say the vac formed mask was beautiful in person. Clever way to cut down weight and looked amazing in person.

I realize you were just picking other nits to have a go at the Vader folks and I don't want to go nit-for-tat (ha!)... but...

The Tonnika sisters' costumes are actually blue and green in the film (just that most stills we've seen were black and white or improperly colorized) and the band head (which is a prequels-used mask supplied by Lucasfilm) was wearing a beige scarf that just LOOKED like the bib untucked :)

Just having fun here though. I agree totally that the folks on set and in production did some great work and I know the costumer tried her best to get the closest she could that time (and budget) allowed. The set was just INCREDIBLE considering how quickly it all came together.


They could not have done it without you, Tom. Absolutely amazing work!

The best shot of the whole spot is when Hammerhead and the two aliens flanking him abruptly resume their conversation after rubbernecking the incident at the bar. CLASSIC! It totally took me back to June of '77 when I saw the original for the first time! :thumbsup :thumbsup

The Wook
Hey Wook! Thanks dude. Means the world to me (and everyone else who worked on it).

That shot's my fave as well. It's funny, when we set that booth up... I walked by at one point and looked over to my left and felt like I was looking at a production still, except it was live, right there in front of me. Pretty cool feeling!

The Vader helmet is actually officially approved by Lucasfilm for live, promotional appearances. You can't get any more accurate than having the parent company stamp it with their "OK".

I think it's a great looking helmet. But this statement could not be more false.

*edit* I should add that I know you guys made the helmet and honestly I think you guys did a bang-up job on it. I'd kill for one for my collection.
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No C scar..........


Yup. Ben took two swipes, and there's a quick cut of Evazan falling.
"It's just a flesh wound!"

They could not have done it without you, Tom. Absolutely amazing work!

The best shot of the whole spot is when Hammerhead and the two aliens flanking him abruptly resume their conversation after rubbernecking the incident at the bar. CLASSIC! It totally took me back to June of '77 when I saw the original for the first time! :thumbsup :thumbsup

The Wook

^ That says it all. The commercial itself, well, two commercials combined, didn't really "flow". I only noticed Vader's gloves being "wrong" - and that's 'cause I've been hanging around here too long! :lol. But all in all, the SW work was amazing! :thumbsup
Hey Wook! Thanks dude. Means the world to me (and everyone else who worked on it).

That shot's my fave as well. It's funny, when we set that booth up... I walked by at one point and looked over to my left and felt like I was looking at a production still, except it was live, right there in front of me. Pretty cool feeling!


Wow. Tom, that is a special moment. Thanks for sharing.

The Wook
I hope you realize I'm just taking a jab at the haters when I point out all those silly bits. I think the work you guys did was fabulous. Thanks for clarifying that it was a beige scarf, LOL!

James Kenobi,
Curious about your statement about "not being farther from the truth"??? I'm curious, do you have some inside information that I am not aware of? To the best of my knowledge my statement is accurate about the helmet being officially approved from the top. In fact a recall a big celebration at the shop over it, not to mention the e-mails from Lucasfilms director of marketing. This helmet (and all of our other costumes) has kept the shop with a consistent and reliable source of income from both Lucasfilm AND Disney.
Calm down !

First, I'm not a hater. I've mentioned that it's a great helmet. I've seen many pics from Disney and Darth Vader always looks the part. I'm a fan of your work, as previously mentioned you guys do a great job.

But to say that just because a studio or parent company gives a seal of approval on something makes it the most accurate is simply not true.

For example, LFL gave their stamp of approval to the MR ANH Obi-Wan lightsaber, and while very nice it is far from an accurate representation of the saber.

Conversely, while this Vader helmet looks spot-on to me, what if you guys had access to the Rick Baker Vader mold ? Could you produce a helmet that was more accurate then this one ? Probably.

You took what I said and thought I was slamming your helmet or how accurate it is. I wasn't, I never said that. It's a great helmet.

You said that if a helmet, prop, or other item is produced and it gets the stamp of approval from the studio or parent company that it means it could not be more accurate.

That is simply not true. I never said your helmet isn't accurate. But to say anything *is* accurate *because* it has been offically approved is false.

I apologize if you took it the wrong way and hurt your feelings, it was not my intention.
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That is simply not true. I never said your helmet isn't accurate. But to say anything *is* accurate *because* it has been offically approved is false.

Unwinnable argument. You two are supporting different definitions of "accurate". So you're both right.

Is the ROTS helmet accurate?

Not compared to the ANH helmet. But it was approved from "on high", used in a film, and is now canon. So it is accurate... Even though its a POS compared to the OT versions.

Not totally different from the situation with the commercial helmet.
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Grant! Why the hell weren't YOU invited to the party!?

That would have been awesome!

Tom your work was superb, and the only reason I watched the ad. I don't give hoot about the quality of the writing of the ad. I'm in it for your work, which does not disappoint in the least!

Also, SO cool to see you in the behind the scenes ad. Must admit, my thought was, "Yeah - I've had dinner wth that guy!"...
Calm down !

First, I'm not a hater. I've mentioned that it's a great helmet. I've seen many pics from Disney and Darth Vader always looks the part. I'm a fan of your work, as previously mentioned you guys do a great job.

But to say that just because a studio or parent company gives a seal of approval on something makes it the most accurate is simply not true.

For example, LFL gave their stamp of approval to the MR ANH Obi-Wan lightsaber, and while very nice it is far from an accurate representation of the saber.

Conversely, while this Vader helmet looks spot-on to me, what if you guys had access to the Rick Baker Vader mold ? Could you produce a helmet that was more accurate then this one ? Probably.

You took what I said and thought I was slamming your helmet or how accurate it is. I wasn't, I never said that. It's a great helmet.

You said that if a helmet, prop, or other item is produced and it gets the stamp of approval from the studio or parent company that it means it could not be more accurate.

That is simply not true. I never said your helmet isn't accurate. But to say anything *is* accurate *because* it has been offically approved is false.

I apologize if you took it the wrong way and hurt your feelings, it was not my intention.

LOL, I am totally calm.
I agree with PH Archivists statement, and that is my argument; who set's the standard of accuracy? IMO it should be the parent company. But the question remains, what are you comparing it to for accuracy? The parent company dictated and requested all of the design features you see on that helmet. So in a sense, if they're happy to put their stamp of approval on it, then that should set a standard. It is an ANH helmet? Absolutely not. Is it Vader? Absolutely!

Anyhow, no offence is taken, I legitimately wanted to know if you know something that I didn't know.... you never know who talks to the industry insiders. No feelings hurt, trust me, when the suits at Lucasfilm and Disney pick apart your work for the most minute things you grow quite a thick skin.

Let's get back to congratulating the folks who put forth their effort and love of the OT. Great job!
I never said your helmet wasn't accurate. In fact I've been very complimentary of it.

My response was only to you saying that is was very accurate *because* it had been so well approved by the licence holder. Accuracy and approval are not exclusive of eachother.

I like the helmet. I like it a lot. It really looks great, again, very spot-on.
Commercial looks fantastic. All the creatures are amazing, Darth Vader looks awesome, it's neat to see some OT on tv again. I hope the spot goes over well on Superbowl Sunday with people who haven't see it yet.

Everyone at Tom Spina Designs did a great job.

Hammerhead has always been my favorite Cantina creature, I'd love to do a costume of him someday.
Hey...someone dropped their "Super Absorbent Fun-Sponge™" in here!


It´s like a trip down memory lane, seeing the cantina... watching a fight over a Vader helmet... don´t spoil this precious moment by overdoing it, okay?

Guys, relax. Please.

RPF staff

P.S.: Tom, how did you go about recreating the Tonnika Sisters? Copies available anytime soon? :love
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