Creating Ultron using Iron Man Pep Files


Did you see the price on that thing!
The glowing mouth isn't hard. You simply wire 10 leds behind a sheet of frosted plexy. You can buy the frosting spray at Michael's.

Those cables running over the legs (Great Ultron pic) are easy to find too. Go to Home Depot and head to the electrical wiring section. You'll find metal conduit that looks just like that. (I've often thought of using it for an Omega Red costume)
The glowing mouth isn't hard. You simply wire 10 leds behind a sheet of frosted plexy. You can buy the frosting spray at Michael's.

Sanding the plexi will be cheaper than frosting spray ;)

Those cables running over the legs (Great Ultron pic) are easy to find too. Go to Home Depot and head to the electrical wiring section. You'll find metal conduit that looks just like that. (I've often thought of using it for an Omega Red costume)

Electrical wiring or in the bathroom section, tubes for showers may work as well.
Might want to check several things:
1. Do you plan to lit the mid area (direct spot) or side area (glow effect)
2. What color of LED you will use (Red, white, yellow, warm white)
3. Does the mouth piece of sheet (what?) require a two-way bend or one-way bend?

Base on that, you will know why I asked the question earlier:
1. Direct spot will require longer distance from light surce to your PVC sheet. Unless you planning to open your mouth and put LED torch light all the time, I don't have any other idea :lol.
2. If you choose glowing, perhaps a yellow sheet with red LED will do. But you will have the mid area unlit.
3. If you say both, I have to come up with some idea.
4. Might want to check if the color light can go thru colored PVC. Red light can pass yellow sheets, I don't have red sheet to test on yellow or warm white.
5. Hopefully it is a one-way bend, check the mouth opening with a piece of paper.
Thankfully its only a one way bend. And its direct spot. I was planning on using two sheets. One in front and one behind with the mini LEDS attached to the inside layer.
You haven't shown us which version(s) you're using for a reference, but this is the version I always think of:


If you make the shoulders a lot larger, they'll match. Just my opinion.
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