Creating Ultron using Iron Man Pep Files

I saw pics of you from DragonCon, when it happened and A) obviously was blown away, and B) immediately sent them to a good friend who is mad for Ultron and I knew was going to dig it.

Who knew, you'd been posting your work here the whole time.

Excellent work!
Thanks guys. I am starting Ultron 8 next weekend. I am going to customize a iron patriot armor and learn how to program an arduino. Lot of work, but I think it will be worth it.
ok so 45 degree weather not so good for plastidip.
Got a month and a half until free comic book day. got a lot of work to do. rewire helmet and hands and metalize the body.
Felicitaciones por tu magnifico trabajo me encanto mucho esta de gustria hacerle uno para mi hijo donde puedo descargar las plantillas de ultron si por favor me podrias ayudar con este proyecto ...os agradecere mucho tu respuesta saludos desde peru
Still updating the suit after two years and i still love it!
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