concerning Steve Neisen aka SWProp Builder

Communication is the key to any or anywhere. Keeping everyone involved up to date is the only way to prevent scenes like this happening. We are never to busy to take a few minutes out of our busy schedules to drop an email: <Hey I sent it out> <Disregard first email, never made it to the P.O. got too busy> Little things like that make everything smoother. No more bad blood, you may be disspointed that the item did not ship..or that it is taking so long....but at least you know why. No being kept in the dark.

Communication. That's all it is.

I recall having to wait a year to receive the first run Tie Fighter. Excuse after excuse...Loved the dirt in the resin on the wings, soft details etc, pour puddles on the backside.Actually the wings are totally useless. Steve you could have offered those of us in that run replacement parts so we could build our models. Charged us for the resin and shipping and made good on the sloppy work...

I won't even get into how you weaseled you way into convincing DM to give up his Y info... well maybe I will. See his info was also my info, we had worked for many years together gathering parts. You knew this wholly... Where's my credit Steve? :confused Your in this hobby for one reason and it's not for the love of models. You don't care who you stab in the back or screw over in order to acheive your "fortune and glory".

Karma has a funny way of coming around full circle...

Caveat Emptor...
<div class='quotetop'>(streetjudge79 @ Sep 3 2006, 10:19 AM) [snapback]1312229[/snapback]</div>
Wow Dr .Stranglove, that was pretty harsh .

Well, it like you said. I get tired and tired of SWP being a lazy butt. Which is basically what this is. We have all been alive long enough to know how long it will take to do something and for him to be this bad over and over and over again is just junk.

So I dare him to prove me wrong and finish something...

(And I of course would not mind being proven wrong.)
I'll second what Steve said about little effort to do so and it can avoid so many misgivings...

I'll add that I waited a month after I made payment for a piece (paid on the 31st of July), and had to come onto the FS thread twice to get his attention during that time. I've received the piece just on Friday and in great shape, for which I am grateful. I hope it works out for you. Keep at it. :)
While I have purchased several things from swpropbuilder and they have arrived quickly and in great shape, I understand there seems to be some complaints. Since I have nothing but good exchanges with him, I will continue to do business with him until I have a reason not too. That aside it bothers me more to see the name calling/personal attacks that this thread has in it. Late items and communication issues seem to be way too common in this field (of prop replications) and while I understand people are upset, I think that personal insults and name calling does not belong in the forum for any reason. For myself I treat any business relationship the same, if I get bad service I don't go back. It is simple and works for me. I show my support or displeasure with any moneymaking business the same, in the only way that really matters, and that is with my money.
Not that threads pointing out problems with "sellers" are bad, it helps give people some background before they buy something, but it is about they way someone runs a business, not them personally. Spewing out name calling just reduces the person doing it to less of a credible source of information, for me.
As the old saying goes "Only a fool raises his voice instead of re-enforcing his argument."
Just my opinion. :D
Wow, I haven't seen this kind of pile on since 8th grade... I'm just amazed that all the people that have positive things to say have disappeared. I have had too many deals to count with Steve over the past four to five years and although as discussed before the communication hasn't been the greatest in the world, I have always gotten my items. I have also dealt with people in the past who have not delivered things on time or as promised and that can be frustrating. I do think people lose sight of the fact that people do this mainly for a hobby... this isn't their lives. Family comes first in my book. Life gets in the way of our hobbies sometimes and people need to deal with that fact. I felt I needed to chime in to try to balance the scales here. I don't condone what transpired and I can see where the anger and frustration comes from. We are only human and I've never met anyone that was perfect. I'm sure Steve will work on his flaws, and do a better job next time.

<div class='quotetop'>(trvann @ Sep 4 2006, 03:09 AM) [snapback]1312520[/snapback]</div>
I have had too many deals to count with Steve over the past four to five years and although as discussed before the communication hasn't been the greatest in the world, I have always gotten my items.


I have had 1 deal with him since Febuary of 2003.

While he was taking care of you he was putting my project on the back burner

Does that give me the right to be upset?
I would be....although from my experience, yes I had a wait, but things worked out fine in the end and I would likely deal with him again. I'm sure he'll come through for you...
<div class='quotetop'>(DrStranglove @ Sep 3 2006, 12:17 AM) [snapback]1312102[/snapback]</div>
SWP however, let me take the time to call you a lieing sack of @#$%.. I dare you to prove me wrong. Go on.. Do it.

I can understand how someone can get upset at a person that doesnt communicate or breaks deadlines, it would upset me too. That being said, i just wanna know how you (DrStranglove) can get away with calling someone a "lieing sack of @#$%." in a public forum without any repercussion. Is it because of your high post count or the fact that youve been a member here for some time. I dont see anything wrong with people putting in their two cents but name calling is a BIT harsh and some might say childish. Statements like that arent gonna help David get his model any faster. It doesnt even involve you. You must really like controversy or attention.

It seems to me that Steve has come to the realization that he has bitten off more than he can chew. He's appologized and shown remorse for everything he has put David through. Again, i can understand Davids anger but atleast SWP has shown face and not just run off like some people have done in the past.
I would say because its true.

He told David, TWICE, that the item shipped out. If David had paied him any money he would be guilty of Wire Fraud and a few other crimes.

Remember Jedi 135? This is how we got him.

How is this NOT a lie?

<div class='quotetop'>(streetjudge79 @ Sep 3 2006, 08:19 PM) [snapback]1312468[/snapback]</div>
Well, hopefully with him getting someone to help him , it might change things.

Street, I am sure you remembr that is exactly what people said about EDC and WolfMorganX, to name a few.
Ok not that it will do any good I snapped a pic of David's SMT Probe and put it against a Snowscape to get the feel. The snow on the model is baking soda. Like I said before It has been done. I just procrastinated beyond what I should of.


David has every right to be mad. Even though I have done right by some I still dropped the ball on his deal. This will ship Express mail Tuesday and I will publicly post the tracking number.
Darkside72, I too was part of the original Y wing group. Frank Cerney even made parts available that I had lent him as well as his own. I talked to Steve at great length about the Y going to MR on many peoples cuff and that I wanted a kit. He agreed and I have been waiting since. The only thing is, He has admitted his wrongs. Does this make it better? No. But changing his bad habits AFTER admitting his wrongs would go a long way. Am I angry at Steve? No. I am disappointed but I have a good feeling he will come through. He has always come through with the people I know. You all may have your reasons for hating or disliking Steve. Just do him a favor, if he does deliver give him the credit he deserves. If he doesn't, try to get him to respond and get it done. If that doesn't work, then use whatever means you have to but keep it in perspective.

Steve, this is not meant to attack you. You are a friend of mine but please try to get these people their kits, build ups, etc. I know you are trying but maybe a new way of doing business would help clear the bad air. I hate to see you go down like this. Come on buddy.

Your friend,

<div class='quotetop'>(DrStranglove @ Sep 4 2006, 01:01 AM) [snapback]1312562[/snapback]</div>
I would say because its true.

I would say youre missing the point of my post.

RPF code of conduct..........

3. Forum posting conduct:
Communicate with fellow members of the community in a respectful manner. Please also show all artists (including licensees) the respect their hard work deserves by expressing your opinions about individuals, companies or their products in a civil and constructive manner.
a. No flaming/bashing/baiting (making insulting criticisms or remarks to incite anger) others directly or indirectly is allowed at the RPF. Posts of this nature will be edited by a Staff member and threads locked and moved if this occurs.
b. No trolling (making posts with the intent to stir up trouble to incite disruption) is allowed at the RPF. Posts of this nature will be edited by a Staff member and threads locked and moved if this occurs.

I would say that (a) applies to you. Not trying to play forum police or anything, just trying to figure out how you get away with it. I just know that if i was to post something like you wrote, id have the moderators down my throat, at least thats what i would expect. We're all adults here, im sure you can get your point accross without the name calling.
<div class='quotetop'>(DrStranglove @ Sep 4 2006, 01:56 AM) [snapback]1312590[/snapback]</div>
I was not flaming or bashing or baiting.


He lied. Did he not? Heck, he even admited to it a post ago.

Yeah, he lied. I know he did.

I guess calling him "lieing sack of @#$%." is your way of talking to someone in a respectful manner..... :rolleyes OK

Ok, I’ve put up with your slanderous remark and your “He lied quotes” long enough. I never lied. I just didn’t follow through. I NEVER told David that the item had shipped. I never once made it sound like it was already in the mail. I said was I would ship it out or I was going to ship it out and like I said before things came up it didn’t happen and now we are here.

YouÂ’re spinning this absolutely wrong; I never said that I had shipped it. Period. Where I screwed up is I never followed through with what I said I was going to do and if you call that Lieing so be it. I conceed.

You have made it very clear to the some nearly 1000 visitors your opinion of me. That’s fine. I don’t know you from a hole in the wall. I'm sure your a respected memeber of society but your “ Lieing sack O %^&$$” comment is uncalled for. If you are ever out Denver way please let me know. I’d like to sit down and buy you a cup of coffee and give you the opportunity to say it to my face.

Internet makes folks brave... where I'm from you use words used like that your just asking for a more heated discussion. It does nothing to sooth the situation. So I think you could have made your point without such hurtful language. Professional is better.

Its one thing supporting David on this thread but going at me that way you did is wrong. I've never had any dealings with you in the past or furture and your comments just searve to Flame up the thread. Thanks but no thanks.

Regardless of your fervor for me here on this thread I will move on. Maybe not as far as you would like but I’ll learn from this and do better in the future. I said the SMT PD was finished it was. The thing I failed to do was ship it out in a timely manner. I had every intention of shipping it when I said I was going to. Things came up and it never made it to the post office. I never said “it had shipped” or that “it was in the mail” like you are insinuating. My lack of communication with David caused this mess period end of story. I did not Lie, I failed to follow though. Tuesday it will ship. Will post a tracking number and be done with it.
Would one of the moderators like to step in and moderate? Please clarify the "code of conduct" so we will all know when terms like "lieing sack of @#$%." (as Dr. Strangelove so eloquently put it) are appropriate. Also, how long does one have to be a board member in order to use this type of diplomacy without consequence? (I aspire to one day achieve the prestigious title of Instigator myself.) Meanwhile, I'm going to pop some popcorn.
Well this is a tinder box indeed. I have my own opinions of Steve which just dont belong in a public forum, the internet does indeed make people very big and brave, and some of the words used here are only spewed from the mouth of immaturity IMO. Keep the verbal assaults to e mail maybe? I have dealt with Steve, i waited around 14 months for a piece from him, during this time i had very little communication, a point admitted by Steve. Finally when the piece did arrive first impressions were good, only to really get into it and the quality was a little lacklustre considering the very long wait and the time the kit sat around for in a garage presumably. Im not going to flame on Steve even though i felt a little abandoned after handing out my $500 or so, it just seemed there was something so bigger and better that the customers waiting with money handed over were neglected to take care of the next project. Hence i cancelled this next project i was on a list for, i just lost all faith and with treatment like this, its not hard to.
I would like to continue dealings with Nice N, but so much needs to be addressed, since my kit was moulded, there are around 4 or 5 other projects in the pipeline that i know of, thats far too much IMO to meet deadlines and keep people happy. Id advise Steve to take care of the here and now "never his mind on where he was, what he was doing " Get one off the bench, finish the run if need be, then move on, i had missing parts i never recieved with my kit, i had broken parts too, all of which i rectified, but for that money, why should i have to?
Customer service goes a long way Steve, keep em happy and they will always come back and always say good things. A buddy of mine is still waiting for parts on a kit that arrived full of bubbles or were just mush, they were sent three weeks ago apparently, he still waits with his kit in a half built state and gets no word back from you, thats one guy whos really counting on you to come through like i was who also feels failed and ripped off, this kind of thing only snowballs, so id say take care of parts/kits owing first, then keep the other later runs happy. Its very cool to shoot all these kits out in fast succession, but in your case its not working, hence some of the cold feelings here. I hope in time Nice N can sort out its shortcomings and continue to supply quality products here on the RPF. I for one would still be a loyal customer if i had the peace of mind. I hope what ive said is to the point but also diplomatic, i was upset at the way i was dealt with, but im not the sort to flame in public, ive a bit more dignity

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