BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit.

Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 6/21/12

Hey, I've always wondered about the shirt under the radiation suit. Did you have any decent references that made you decide on that close enough?
Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 6/21/12

I got his stopwatch printer combo a little while ago.
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Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 6/21/12

I'd LOVE to own that, but can't afford to buy one of those. They are really pricey. Would you be willing to measure the printer for me so I can make a cheap close enough version? Thanks!
Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 6/21/12

I'd LOVE to own that, but can't afford to buy one of those. They are really pricey. Would you be willing to measure the printer for me so I can make a cheap close enough version? Thanks!

I have it back at home in Missouri. I am currently in North Carolina for military service. I could get my little brother or someone else to measure it if you want.
Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 6/21/12

I've been putting a lot of work into this costume lately. I even have an more accurate pair of shoes on the way. I did buy a cheap pair of Nike's I found at Goodwill and mod them and they do look great but they wern't Vandals. I managed to find a pair of Vandals and will be dying/painting them the proper color.

I also recently received a tool pouch I purchased off e-bay which looks to be at least 90-95% accurate to his, except it might be a different brand.
It's pretty much perfect besides maybe placement of stitching and rivets, and maybe the hook in the bottom center might be a little different, but it's really close to perfect. This is a used tool pouch I bought off of e-bay. It's actually seen years of work and as described in the auction is a bit dry. When I received it, it was way too stiff to properly put the many tools, including Doc's flashlight into it. I read up online on what to do about dry leather to safely restore it and found a simple solution. Shaving cream. Just plain old original Barbasol Shaving cream, not gel, softens old and new leather. I picked up a can and put the tool pouch in a small white trash bag and sprayed a ton of the shaving cream inside. I did that around 10:45 last night and it's now 12:38 in the morning as I type this. The pouch is still in the bag, but it's already noticeably softer and flexible. I'm going to leave it in the bag until morning and then remove it, rinse it and place the flash light inside of it where it goes to stretch out that area of the pouch a bit more.
102_1863 copy.jpg

I also have a cheaper Seiko style timer I purchased that's in the mail on it's way to me, that I'll mod once it arrives. It's the closest thing I could find to the timer with the printer Doc has.

Here is a pic.

I plan on filling in the space at the top with the text and bird logo. I also plan to make new accurate menu graphics and build up the bottom where the two buttons are into a 3 button panel like the Seiko Doc actually uses. It might not be 100% accurate but I'm hoping it'll be close to 85% or a bit more. For the curled cord I'm just going to attach a phone charger cord and for the printer I'm going to build a box that is close enough to the shape and size of the real printer and stick it in the pouch. I plan to sew a pouch for this as well and to get it as accurate as I can.
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Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 3/16/15

Update on the timing board. It's not going to be 100% accurate but I'm working to get it close. A real split timing board can go for up to 300+ on e-bay. No thanks. I'm just using it as a prop so it doesn't need to work, just look a lot like the real thing. First I figured out the size of the board by blowing up a picture of a board I found online. I printed that out, including the base size of the squares of the timers on it. I then used that as a template, cut out a piece of plexiglass into shape, then used the squares to determine the base size of the timers. With the base of the timers I made a rough paper folded body of the timer and then measured it out and copied it. With that I cut styrene plastic to shape and glued it together to make the timer bodies. I still need to do a lot more work on the timers, fill in gaps, prime, sand, prime and paint. Then add the details. The board I painted with black enamel on both sides because the plexiglass was letting light through. I'll go over that with grey primer. I also need add the clip to the board. I bought a cheap clip board and will remove the clip from it and attach it to the timer board. I'm going to make a blue cover for the clip, as close as I can to the appearance of the one on the actual prop. Since this photo was taken I've bought some JB Water Weld and filled in gaps and shaped the top of the timers. I'm looking for a large screened calculator I can take apart to fit inside the shell.

Here is what I have so far.

Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 3/17/15

Here is a photo from the e-bay auction of the Vandals I won. :D They don't have the top straps, but you don't usually see those on Doc anyway since his pants are usually covering them.

I'm going to strip them and color them the proper color on Monday. :)

Huh. Just now remembered I had a dream I had the straps for the shoes.
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Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit Costume Update 3/17/15

Update on my Doc Timer. :D

Well, here it is. Just a few more details to add like the text above the 3 buttons and I need to seal off the graphics I made so the ink doesn't run if it gets rain on it, but other than that the timer is complete. Now I just need to work on making the printer that goes with it and the pouch for the printer. This isn't 100% accurate but it's the closest I could make it without buying the read thing which goes for a small fortune on e-bay when they do show up.

First a photo comparing the timer I bought and modified, to the actual Seiko timer watch type used in the film.


The shape of the timer I purchased was very similar to the Seiko timer. I used JB Water Weld to sculpt a new face and sides onto the timer.

Here is the end result. Unfortunately the small imperfections look massive when a close up photo is taken with flash.

Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit. Updated 3/24/15

I went ahead and based on photos of the items and the size of my stop watch, made a close enough version of the printer that goes with the timer. It's made from foam core and styrene with a little JB Water weld.

Here are some progress shots. The piece going into the printer looks differently now as I put a rubber sleeve over it. It matches more to the one going into the stopwatch now.

I didn't go into drastic detail on the printer s it's mostly going to be hidden in the pouch I'll be wearing it in. I do have to add a few more details though.SEIKO.jpg
Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit. Updated 3/24/15

Looking good! It's cool you're building stuff instead of just buying. Can't wait to see the costume and accessories all finished! (y))
Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit. Updated 3/31/15

Thanks, VilleLeskinen! If I could afford to actually buy one of the real timers and printers I honestly would, but the amount they go for is insane for something I'm just using as a costume prop that doesn't really need to be functional anyway. I do like making my own stuff though if it is possible and I had a lot of fun making the items for this costume.

I'm finished with my printer for my Doc costume. It isn't 100% accurate but it looks great enough to work for the costumes purposes. The one I made is on the left in the image and the real one is on the right. I'm not worrying about the graphics and details on the bottom as it will all be hidden by the pouch it sits in.


If you want to see more of my stuff you can see it here:
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Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit. Updated 3/31/15

Well, I am pretty much finished with my Seiko printer pouch replica for my Doc Brown costume.
It took two attempts but the second attempt turned out pretty good! I now just need to add the logo and a belt clip as well as a hard case inside for the fake printer I made to go into.
I need to also remove some hand stitching as well. It looks kind of rounded off on the back, but that is because nothing is in it to hold the shape properly. After I add the hard case holder inside it'll shape up nicely.

Re: BTTF Doc Brown Radiation Suit. Updated May 11, 2015


I am 95% finished with the clipboard he carries and I've started working on modifying a cheap wig to try to get that Doc Brown hair look. I really want to get the hair right.

Here is the clipboard. I just need to add the buttons on each of the panel. It's not 100% accurate but considering it was all made from plexiglass, for sale signs, one cut up clip board from which I removed the clip, two face paint make up trays, cardboard, superglue, jb waterweld, paper, ink, laminating plastic, two calculator screens, rivets and hot glue, it didn't turn out bad at all.
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Even though all pieces may not be 100% accurate, I think it's safe to say your Doc Brown radiation costume is going to turn out to be the most accurate one especially when it comes to the various accessories. Great job on acquiring and building everything.
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