Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just my 2 cents,

I was incredibly excited about this right up until all the other JLA heroes being introduced. I like the Trinity being in there, every single person on the planet knows Batman's backstory and Superman just got his own movie, so I think if it was just Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, you could spend a decent amount of time introducing Wonder Woman and then still have plenty of time to get your action on.

But as it stands, we've got those three plus Aquaman and Cyborg, and none of these heroes have ever had their own movie (except the two titular characters obviously) which means they need to be introduced. It's the same mistake the Spider-Man movies have made, trying to cram to many characters into a movie and making a mess (except in Spider-Man movies it's always too many bad guys instead of too many heroes).

I'm thinking the only way to pull this off is to treat it as though they have already each had their own solo movie, and follow this up with solo movies for each character so that we retrospectively have the backstories sorted out.

I just feel like DC is starting way behind Marvel. I don't like comparing them but they're trying to compete against Marvel in a game that Marvel has already been playing for years.

I'm sure this all sounds pessimistic, and it is undeniably negative, but I am actually really excited about this movie and I think Ben Afleck and Gal Gadot are gonna be great. I love the batsuit design, and the batmobile looks amazing, and I love it that they've taken a lot of inspiration from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. I remain very optimistic about this movie, I just feel like they're rushing things and trying to fit too much into one movie.

We'll see though I suppose.
The cut look is extremely super hero. Hence the body hugging suits that show impossible definition.

Gal Gadot may not look bluky enough but if she wraps her lasso around me she will be very surprised at my....hhjnnnnggg
Agreed that Cavill looks a bit too much like a bodybuilder* now, even if it's how heroes are drawn most of the time, it looks a bit weird. His physique was perfect in MOS, Affleck looks indeed more bulky, but in the end both of them have padding in their suits so as long as they have the raw muscle mass behind it, it's all good.

*look at that ! :
The trailer screenshot circulating in regards to the two parts is apparently fake. Will be quite a shocker if we have the movie this year though.
Cavill looks like someone who works out extensively to get the definition, whereas Affleck looks more like the guy who earned his size through physical labor. Think of it like a body builder vs a strongman.

Gadot, however, looks amazing. Sexy, defined, and... HHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG

There was a time in bodybuilding where you got your size by lifting heavy weights. Arnold Schwarzenegger was able to deadlift around 700lbs, and Franco Columbu and Lou Ferrigno entered strong-man competitions and placed highly. Nowdays, not so much. I see what you're saying, but I have to play Devil's advocate.
dont forget that when you add the costume on her she might look bigger. And atleast shes putting the work in

Oh ya you're right, the costume could change some things. I didn't mean she doesn't look great and I have no doubt she's been busting her butt in the gym.
I heard it's attached to Jupiter ascending. I THINK that's the name. Some time this Feb for the trailer. I still feel we'll see it released this summer.
It's probably a 20 second teaser, too....

Yeah they have been reporting stuff SOOOOO early and it's going to be a very long year+ before it's released.
Looks like the rumor of the trailer showing during the big game was just that... a rumor. :(

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If DC/WB is deliberately trying to be a tease by seeding the rumor mill they should think twice - it's only getting us pissed off.
I can't wait for some news about this. The Marvel stuff is good and all but I'm really looking forward to this DC movie universe unfolding. Gal looks great too! Definitely putting in the work.
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