Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm really starting to wonder if they're just filming BvS - I had heard a while back that they were filming a "sequel" at the same time (wasn't clear if it was JL or MoS2 - this may've been prior to JL being pegged as the next film). The length of production sure seems to suggest that they could be filming part of JL along with this.
It would make sense to film for other films if they will have the same locations anyways. Much like the Kent farm, they had to rebuild the house since they tore it down after filming. Saves on costs. And I don't know if that set was "confirmed" however for how far away the Aquaman film is in the line up I would doubt it is a set for Aquaman. Never know though. Could be his cameo for BvS
It's possible that it could be Atlantis.... Film in the desert at night with some ethereal lighting and add underwater effects in post... Instant deep sea appearance with no need to film underwater...
Let the skepticism of having too many characters continue :D.

Umberto aka elmayimbe is the writer of Latino Review.


BTW Snyder might be shooting scenes and sequences from this film and JLA Part I at the same time, in a non-linear fashion. So whatever reports we are getting may not necessarily be pertaining to this single film.
Damn..he got me.


But Booster Gold was mentioned by Goyer last year as one of the upcoming films but then it went on to be a TV series in development instead.
2 characters that do not need to be in either BvS or the first JL. I'm not saying it wouldn't be something for later, but they are way down the list when it comes to heroes that need a big screen invitation.
I'm not gonna say that I wouldn't be giddy to see them onscreen, but that's best saved for a world that is brimming with superheroes, or for TV. Booster's kinda got a Captain Amazing thing going anyway (or should I say vice versa) but I'm not sure Mystery Men has enough cachet for that to be a problem.
Looks like that Robin rumour is pretty much confirmed. Wouldn't want to be that extra though!!! Five million! Five million man!!!

Personally I think its a very good choice to have made. Just watched her in "HG: Catching Fire" and she was one of the more interesting characters (and the actual film was miles better than the first). I also prefer a much older Carrie Kelly. I'm not worried at all about all the characters they are introducing. Guardians had five brand new key leads and didn't struggle with that , Avengers was full to bursting point (although) we pretty much had most of their backstories from other films. One thing is VERY certain, given the large mumber and the huge success of effects heavy films this year (virtually the entire top ten) and given the release dates we've had recently for so many others in the future , its going to be a good time to look for work in that industry, if you have the skills !!!!!!
For all intent and purposes, she could be Batgirl (barbara gordon) too. She's a redhead too, and older than Carrie Kelly, who is 13 normally. Malone is almost 30 I think, a bit old for Kelly !
As a bat nut!! I had a hard enough time accepting Ben Affleck as Batman, not that I doubt his acting prowess, but with Snyder and his team, I'm willing to bite and wait, then as it evolved into a pre justice league movie with cyborg, aquaman, and wonder woman! my heart started to sink, too much for one movie! look at spiderman 3 jeez, you cant accommodate this many origin stories in a single movie! now adding the female robin!! (not a sexist thing) any, even a tiny bit of a batfan accepts that robin is a boy! so expecting the casual dc fan to accept this on top of either diluted origin stories, or a weak storyline, its too much! if this is to compete with the avengers (Im a DC all the way guy!!) they should have used that formula, the major players have a proven fan base and THIER OWN MOVIE first! I'm praying this isn't going to be a mess! please let it be good.......please!!!
I doubt many origin stories, if any, will be explored in this movie. I never had any trouble accepting Ben Affleck, however I do hope this Carrie Kelley Robin rumor turns out to be false, Mainly because I don't consider Miller's version to be the end all Batman. Besides, it would be a shame to never see any of the other Robin incarnations on screen and fastforward straight to Carrie Kelley this early in the DCU.
That's the problem with Snyder playing leap frog with Batman. He's skipping Batman and Superman's history - and while, I think Dark Knight Returns is a great story, that story had years and years of history to draw from.

All that said, there have been plenty of rehashings of Batman's origin story over the years... so, we really didn't need a hard reboot of Batman. But, skipping over so much of this characters history seems a bit much. We are apparently going to miss all the things that make Batman Batman... all those things will simply be footnotes in this story. I think most of us here (on the RPF - fandom in general) have enough familiarity with character that we can fill in those spaces.

I do think Affleck is perfect casting and it's the one of the only things that's got my interest in this film.
But, skipping over so much of this characters history seems a bit much. We are apparently going to miss all the things that make Batman Batman...

So how many movies would it take for the audience to see all the things that make Batman Batman.

Pew. Pew. Dead parents.
Angry rich orphan grows up to be anrgy rich badass with endless resources to avenge his dead parents and the corrupt city responsible for their deaths.
That pretty well sums it up... before getting into the whole "hanging out with bare legged, young boys" thing.
So how many movies would it take for the audience to see all the things that make Batman Batman.

Pew. Pew. Dead parents.
Angry rich orphan grows up to be anrgy rich badass with endless resources to avenge his dead parents and the corrupt city responsible for their deaths.
That pretty well sums it up... before getting into the whole "hanging out with bare legged, young boys" thing.
Selective reading/quoting? There's more to Batman than just parents killed/dresses like a bat with neat toys... I'm referring more to the stories about there being more than one Robin, Joker, relationships with Gordon, the public and all the other stuff.
Much like the Kent farm, they had to rebuild the house since they tore it down after filming.

I thought they tore it down as part of filming. Hard to say if that was CG destruction or real...

Selective reading/quoting? There's more to Batman than just parents killed/dresses like a bat with neat toys... I'm referring more to the stories about there being more than one Robin, Joker, relationships with Gordon, the public and all the other stuff.

I could personally do without Robin. Joker was left kind of open in Dark Knight but it's going to be hard to ever match Ledger. I thought the Nolan Trilogy established the Gordon relationship pretty well. Just because it's not the same actors, it's still a DC property and there's no reason they can't play off what's already been made. I know they won't but for most viewers, they probably wouldn't know one way or the other.
I could personally do without Robin. Joker was left kind of open in Dark Knight but it's going to be hard to ever match Ledger. I thought the Nolan Trilogy established the Gordon relationship pretty well. Just because it's not the same actors, it's still a DC property and there's no reason they can't play off what's already been made. I know they won't but for most viewers, they probably wouldn't know one way or the other.
I think most of us can... as I said, there have been plenty of rehashings of Batman's origin over the years - the general story is well known and the broad relationships (Gordon, Joker, even Robin) are all established and known well enough. Skipping so far ahead of Batman's career means missing out on lots character development and stories that make up Batman becoming the Batman we'll see in this movie (and I don't mean just the origin story... obviously a Robin dying is a huge storyline that will add a lot to this character). Sure, we can fill in the blanks of a lot things, but if rumors hold true and Robin is female now and there has been a prior Robin or two (that are either dead and/or estranged) - well, some will miss that big picture, and we're potentially missing out on what could've been a great movie.

I think the biggest thing we're missing by using bits and pieces of Dark Knight Returns is what was a very established Batman/Superman relationship. Again, we're basing this on logical guesses (based on actors ages and plot leaks) that Batman has been around for a while in Bats v Supes and Superman is still a relative newcomer. The Dark Knight Returns uses the long established Bats/Supes team to a great advantage.... there's years of character interaction that it's based on (and twisted very well by Miller).

Of course, adding a young Superman against the older Batman adds an interesting dynamic (even if it does rob us of telling us the tales of Batman's history - which some will miss more than others - and some folks, well... some just need everything spelled out for them).
Looks like they've been filming in downtown Pontiac last night, my old hometown stomping grounds at the Lafayette ball room.
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