Bandai Millennium Falcon with Lighting


New Member
I'm a huge fan of the Bandai Star Wars kits and have been dying to make one with lighting.

I'm using the Paragraphix photoetch kit for more detail and to have holes for the fiber optics.

I'm planning to use an arduino to control several LEDs for the fiber optics. I'm going to try to do all of the cockpit, gunner turret, and landing lights.

So far I've been working mostly on the cockpit lighting. Here's what I have so far:


It's been a ton of tedious work, but I'm loving every minute


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That's looking fantastic!! You're braver than I on such a small kit, lol. Only suggestion is maybe slowing down the blinking a bit. Looks a bit like a christmas tree in the cockpit, lol.
That is so cool.

I guess I should take a better look at Arduino. I've seen some amazing things done with them in RC, but I didn't want to invest the time in learning the ins and outs. But this is pretty darn sweet.
I had no programming background at all when I started playing with arduino. They are pretty easy to learn and there are tons of tutorials out there. It's all open source so I mostly just modify code that I find online to fit my needs. It's definitely worth a shot.
I have the photoetch for my kit as well. Im wondering, did you not use the back wall thats included in the bandai kit?
It is described that the photoetch should mount on the backwall from the bandai kit, but i think it fits badly...
Attaching the flat photo etch to the molded styrene piece doesn't make much sense, since the styrene has projecting parts. I think you're supposed to glue it to the back of the boat-shaped cockpit sled section.
Attaching the flat photo etch to the molded styrene piece doesn't make much sense, since the styrene has projecting parts. I think you're supposed to glue it to the back of the boat-shaped cockpit sled section.

Came to that conclusion. Thank you!

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