Azurial's Pep Files - 12/23/12: Shrike Pilot Helmet available! Iron Man BE soon!

Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Batman Scowl (mask) Now Up

Seeing as this hasn't been updated in awhile...

Just wondering if your still doing those unfolding Azurial?
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Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Batman Scowl (mask) Now Up

Yeah - i've been SUPER busy with work and the next time i will have free time is in about a week - i've just been doing small projects here and there so when my (first half of) vaction comes up next week i'll get a couple more parts unfolded. that helmet looks great btw! cant wait to see the other parts done up.

also, how did you combat the parts meshing together? im guessing you did it as 3 seperat parts?

Saving for ACEN is going to be a pain...

I am still taking donations for any one intersted.
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Batman Scowl (mask) Now Up

well to be honest... they were all one piece, it was hard, this helmet was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done! Even I think the helmet is too big, that is me wearing it but my niece has a bigger build than me but is a couple inches shorter, it just looks like the back of the helmet is out too far and the wings do not align correctly, once I get to the bondo stage, I will make sure that they are perfectly aligned... No pictures right now of progress, I will be going on "vacation" in a couple days and wont be back for at least 3 weeks (the army sucks). But on a happier note, I did make a hot box so I could start to resin outside!

Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Batman Scowl (mask) Now Up

sorry about that - from this point i will not be rescaling the parts - just doing a quick unfold and sending them off - i hope that will make things easier on you - but on another note the shoulder parts for the Aqua armor is coming along tonite.

UPDATE: new Aqua armor parts up and as a special treat, i will be releasing some Wolverine claw pep files soon as they are perfected - i will do both Bone and Adamantium IF there is any interest for the bone ones. other wise it will just be the later.


Wolverine Claws are Up!
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Re: Azurial's Pep Files - KDH Aqua Leg/Shoulder up! Feb 4, 2010 - Wolverine Claws Up!

just gotta add something here - when you pep ANY helm/armor part, you will have to add padding to it. if that padding is not inside the part, then it will not fit right
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - KDH Aqua Leg/Shoulder up! Feb 4, 2010 - Wolverine Claws Up!

continuing my contributions to the comic book world, i have created a Classic X-Men belt emblem. this will be another free pep so look out for it. heres a pic to whet your appitites :D
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - KDH Aqua Leg/Shoulder up! Feb 4, 2010 - Wolverine Claws Up!

thanks! i'll be posting the pep file soon so keep checking back :D just got some work to do on other things atm


Classic belt clasp is now ready for your downloading pleassure. and in the works - Transformers Gen1!

First I will do the leaders of both factions, starting with Optimus Prime, then Megatron, and then Rodimus Prime and Galvatron. From that point I will model per request (for a fee - PM for details).

Anywho - here are a few pics to show you whats going on with the Transformers Project so far.
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Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

Okay, just posted the Prime head unfold. its now in your hands.

on a side note i just did up a commission 3D model for some one on another forum and just wanted to share a pic. for those of you that are unfamiliar this is a character called Lord Canti (or Canti) from Fooly Cooly. Haven't seen it yet? Check it out. its good.
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

lol, thats amazing, congrats! I love fooly cooly. I just got back from my "vacation" not to long a go so I should be starting on my other parts, once I get a new printer or maybe it would be cheaper to pay kinko's to print out the pages for me... hmmm
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

i havent yet had a chance to get to the Terra Helm ornaments and i should be able to get to those tonight once i get home from work - another couple weeks and my days of working 7 days a week will be over lol. Come on March! lol

Also, i have discussed it with the person who commissioned that Canti model and he has agreed to allow me to release Pep files for the head and torso. Im not 100% sure what he will do with the model, but he has told me hes keeping me in the loop and hinted at game or a movie, not sure but what ever it is i'll be excited to see it.

on another note here are the statistics for my Pep file downloads:

Kingdom Hearts

Breast Plate: 25 Times
Legs: 5 Times
Shoulder: 7 Times

Chest: 27 Times
*Ornament: 21 Times
Greaves: 27 Times
Helm: 48 Times

Cyclops' Visor: 114 Times
Wolverine's Claws: 28 Times
Belt Clasp: 4 Times

Batman Cowl: 76 Times

Optimus Prime:
Head: 14 Times

Seems Cyclops is the most popular here lol. If any one has Completed Pics of these Pep files please post pictures, i would love to see them! Now off to work!
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Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

OK Just got home and uploaded the Canti PDO files. The head was not sized or unfolded properly, the chest is a different story. during this next week I'll try and finnish up the Ven armor from KDH, 2 job season ends March 12th. that means the current Ironman Commission i have will have to be finnished up and shipped out - didnt forget about you Ryan if your following this. After that i will have MUCH more time to do more in the BGC department and whatnot,
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

BUMP: update time guys! made a bit of headway this week - got most of the upper body to the Prime Project done - heres a teaster for ya'll

on another note expect some more files by wensday Bebi
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Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

BUMP: update time guys! made a bit of headway this week - got most of the upper body to the Prime Project done - heres a teaster for ya'll

on another note expect some more files by wensday Bebi

Thank you so much!!! I have also been slacking, I got my Ven helmet all bondo'd just need to sand it and then paint!!!!

It is finally starting to warm up here so I have to seriously crack down on these suits so I can go to acen by may.

EDIT: I am making the Vanitas helmet and keyblade, so If you would also like the 3ds's of those, you are welcome to have them.
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

Its warming up nicely over here too - where are ya from Bebi? Im hoping to to get a week end pass myself but the GF only wants to go for a day... (grumble...)

still hammering out my costume idea
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

I am from green bay, Wisconsin, USA. We are going to have a snow storm today so the temps are going to drop to the low 30's here :( No bondo work for me today, but I think sanding should be fine. Speaking about bondo, the outside, is it suppose to look all sharp and stuff before you sand it? I believe I put enough on it.
Re: Azurial's Pep Files - Transformers Gen 1 Prime Head is Up! X-Men Belt clasp up!

wow its a small world! im down in Waukesha gettin ready for MORE rain... (blah) Thinking of a Frank N Stiien or Death (both from Soul Eater)
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