Anovos Stormtrooper.... thoughts?

Remember one thing too: without the so called "rivet counters" who are discussing and are interested in every detail of a prop, helmet, armor or studio scale model we would still have the crappy Rubies and F/X armors.

I agree - information is the thing that enables us to make better decisions than pure guesswork.

What anybody decides based on that information can be completely different, depending how he weights the parts of that info. And that outcome leads directly to the thoughts each person has about the Anovos suit (and then comparing it to other suits). Which is inside the original questions.

I for my part understand why someone prefers the RS over any other suit, including the Anovos - it´s just not my opinion.
The Anovos seems to go more in the direction "I" like it - but i think we sure need way more and better pics and buildups.
The jack-assery and drama over the number of rivets on the holster is baffling. The hero holsters had 4, the stunts 2, yes, however it's pretty clear that the costume department on SW grabbed whatever pieces were at hand at the moment when they were suiting up extras - hero buckets on stunt suits, bits missing, E11's all over the place in terms of add-on parts, **** held together with bits of gaffer tape. I personally have NO doubt that a hero holster could and in all likelihood DID easily have made its way onto an extra at some point, and was just never close enough to the camera to be noticed. Anovos said they went with the hero style because otherwise holstered E11's would likely start ripping out the rivets from a stunt arrangement, and you'd have people bitching about the build quality, and a flood of returns. Since BOTH holsters are SA, just depending on what helmet was on the suit, all of this nonsense is down to the 501'st arbitrary rules. They don't seem to have any issue with people using CLEARLY wrong EFX symmetrical buckets, the focal piece of the costume, so throwing a hissy fit over two perfectly acceptable, barely noticeable, SA holster options seems utterly hypocritical.
I'm pretty impressed with the job anovos did on the stormtrooper. i concur with jkno that the lid is done very nicely, but cleaned up a little much for my liking. I think its perfect for those who want the overall assymetrical look, but don't wan't all the bumps, wrinkles, and dents. Makes me excited to get my snowtrooper helmet, but that might be a little while yet.
Dont get me wrong I think its a decent helmet. The best I've seen mass produced. They did however go a little overboard with some of the idealizations. Its like the overall shape is relatively close but even if they wanted to clean up the helmet there are some details that I dont understand the reason they were made. I guess those details will help distinguish this from something like an TM kit.

The one thing I am trying to understand though, is the curve I'm seeing on the edge of the right eye. ( wearers right eye) I've seen it on all the helmets that have surfaced online, so its not like one helmet got cut weird.

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When you really look close at the picture, you can see they left some ABS to trim for us and get it right, the way it should be ;-)
The jack-assery and drama over the number of rivets on the holster is baffling. The hero holsters had 4, the stunts 2, yes, however it's pretty clear that the costume department on SW grabbed whatever pieces were at hand at the moment when they were suiting up extras - hero buckets on stunt suits, bits missing, E11's all over the place in terms of add-on parts, **** held together with bits of gaffer tape. I personally have NO doubt that a hero holster could and in all likelihood DID easily have made its way onto an extra at some point, and was just never close enough to the camera to be noticed. Anovos said they went with the hero style because otherwise holstered E11's would likely start ripping out the rivets from a stunt arrangement, and you'd have people bitching about the build quality, and a flood of returns. Since BOTH holsters are SA, just depending on what helmet was on the suit, all of this nonsense is down to the 501'st arbitrary rules. They don't seem to have any issue with people using CLEARLY wrong EFX symmetrical buckets, the focal piece of the costume, so throwing a hissy fit over two perfectly acceptable, barely noticeable, SA holster options seems utterly hypocritical.

I would have to agree with you. I've always felt like TKs should be handled the same as Sandtroopers. With a generalized TK that encompasses all the different variations of parts seen on screen, and a hero and stunt configuration that's treated like move along trooper for sand troopers.
It's not about the trim job, that would have been a easy fix, the whole eye section is innaccurate, the lip around both eyes are completely wrong in size and shape and too pointy on corners, the bottom eye lips should have a slight curve, the frown is way too wide and not recessed enough and flat looking throwing off the whole helmet, ear pieces also weird looking, the rear trapezoids way too big, screen mesh on mic tips wrong and the list goes on, a trained eye can easily see these differences a mile away, If they scanned a real helmet it was very poorly done or intentionally modified, the eye lips are actually more assymetrical than the original helmets :confused

anovos  helmet 1.jpganovos 3.jpganovos  helmet 1.jpgorig helmet 4.jpgorig helmet 2.jpg


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I got a call from FedEx this morning mentioning a package will arrive needing a signature... any one else needed to sign?

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk
I got a call from FedEx this morning mentioning a package will arrive needing a signature... any one else needed to sign?

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk

technically speaking, all deliveries of this kit are supposed to be signed for... whether or not fedex employees have you sign is different scenario.
Well, if it is the armor kit I'm gonna be thrilled considering it looked like I'd have to wait till March..

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk
technically speaking, all deliveries of this kit are supposed to be signed for... whether or not fedex employees have you sign is different scenario.

1) Anovos stated quite clearly (a number of times) that all deliveries require a signature.

2) Some businesses (and people) have standing orders on record with FedEx to waive the requirement, however.

In light of #1, however, anyone who has it delivered somewhere where is no one guaranteed to sign for it, simply hasn't been paying attention.

Personally, I always have my deliveries sent to the office. Someone will be there to sign for it, always, during business hours, even if I happen to be out. Also, no need to worry about packaged disappearing from my doorstep.
GF,are those your pics of the Anovos bucket? If not,I'm not positive, but it looks like there's both some lens distortion going on, and the pics weren't taken from right on the center line axis (look at the curve of the brow trim, the brow itself, and the top of the eyes - the Anovos bucket was definitely shot from a lower point than the comparison bucket, and I think from somewhat closer too). In that pic, the mouth for sure looks too wide, but it doesn't in the handful of other shots that have started popping up. I'd agree that the rim around the eyes is probably too deep,and too sharp. All in all, still a better helmet than any other mass-produced one yet. If it's horrible though, I've still got a recast TE kit (don't ask - I was young and stupid, hadn't heard of the RPF, had no idea what a 'recast' was, and saw a too-good-to-be-true fleabay listing) that's been sitting neglected for years waiting for me to build it.
EDIT - having just gone to drag the helmet kit out, I think, contrary to what was suggested to me when I joined here years ago, this may be a TK-4510 kit - now if I can just find an instruction manual, because the thought of trimming this thing is scaring the bejeesus out of me.
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The details on this kit are a bit idealised and yes, a bit too, let's say eager to please with their sharp easy on the eye business going on but there are any number of "warts and all" efforts available out there.

Anovos going with "what you thought you saw" is a welcome addition too all the other offerings, all of which have their own faults as well let's remember.

I just don't get all the hate on this thread when this helmet is what..... ten times better than that nutty efx cash cow.

You pays your money, you takes your choice.
And it weren't much money at that :)
In which case I would see to it that the guy gets fired asap.

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UPS and Fedex both have policies that if the drivers feel the neighborhood is safe, they can leave it without a signature. The only way around that, i believe, is if the sender mandates the signature.
It arrived!!! FedEx just rang my bell and had a big ass box for me to sign for.

My first impression of the lid is it looks fantastic! Yeah, I know the rivet counters may find things to knit pick but Damn, for a full set with under suit, gloves, and holster all under $400. One hell of a deal. I happen to think it's a beautiful set which will make for an awesome display or troopping in.

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk
GF,are those your pics of the Anovos bucket? If not,I'm not positive, but it looks like there's both some lens distortion going on, and the pics weren't taken from right on the center line axis (look at the curve of the brow trim, the brow itself, and the top of the eyes - the Anovos bucket was definitely shot from a lower point than the comparison bucket, and I think from somewhat closer too). In that pic, the mouth for sure looks too wide, but it doesn't in the handful of other shots that have started popping up. I'd agree that the rim around the eyes is probably too deep,and too sharp. All in all, still a better helmet than any other mass-produced one yet. If it's horrible though, I've still got a recast TE kit (don't ask - I was young and stupid, hadn't heard of the RPF, had no idea what a 'recast' was, and saw a too-good-to-be-true fleabay listing) that's been sitting neglected for years waiting for me to build it.
EDIT - having just gone to drag the helmet kit out, I think, contrary to what was suggested to me when I joined here years ago, this may be a TK-4510 kit - now if I can just find an instruction manual, because the thought of trimming this thing is scaring the bejeesus out of me.

It's not my helmet, the camera lens or angle doesn't make a difference, I'm not talking about sharpness its the actual curve and shape of lower lip. More and more Anovos photos will pop up and will show the same flaws.

Anovos helmet - Copy.jpg
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