Anovos Stormtrooper.... thoughts?

The details on this kit are a bit idealised and yes, a bit too, let's say eager to please with their sharp easy on the eye business going on but there are any number of "warts and all" efforts available out there.

Anovos going with "what you thought you saw" is a welcome addition too all the other offerings, all of which have their own faults as well let's remember.

I just don't get all the hate on this thread when this helmet is what..... ten times better than that nutty efx cash cow.

You pays your money, you takes your choice.
And it weren't much money at that :)

My thoughts exactly. I ordered the Anovos helmet and I'm planning on getting an RS Sandtrooper helmet so I can have one of each--idealized and accurate.
My thoughts exactly. I ordered the Anovos helmet and I'm planning on getting an RS Sandtrooper helmet so I can have one of each--idealized and accurate.

How does that work? I thought I've read that there can be issues with color matching the different whites when buying from different vendors.
It's not about the trim job, that would have been a easy fix, the whole eye section is innaccurate, the lip around both eyes are completely wrong in size and shape and too pointy on corners, the bottom eye lips should have a slight curve, the frown is way too wide and not recessed enough and flat looking throwing off the whole helmet, ear pieces also weird looking, the rear trapezoids way too big, screen mesh on mic tips wrong and the list goes on, a trained eye can easily see these differences a mile away, If they scanned a real helmet it was very poorly done or intentionally modified, the eye lips are actually more assymetrical than the original helmets

I agree, I noticed it on a photo they showed on a face pull, see below. For some reason the curvature under the eye was straightened, thinned and corners too pointed. I had hoped that it might have been corrected before production. Real helmet on the left.

Won't have mine for a month.

But for $350 for a kit and finished helmet I guess I won't complain too much. :lol Just wonder why they did what they did.

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No, I got what you were saying - what I'm suggesting is that, at least as far as the mouth goes, since it appears that the pic you chose suffers from some lens distortion AND was taken from lower down on the mask (that's what I was referring to about the brow and eyes - they demonstrate significantly more curvature in the shot of the Anovos bucket - means the camera was lower), and appears to have been taken from significantly less distance from the mask, and much closer to the mouth, it doesn't seem inconceivable that the size of the mouth is being exaggerated there. Your comparison looks to be much closer to being almost orthographic, having been shot better, so together with the few other pics that have gone up elsewhere, I'm not convinced it's a fair comparison. You're right though, as kits start hitting hard and fast now, we should start seeing some much better shots of the Anovos helmet and get a good idea of exactly what is going on with it and the whole question will soon be moot.
glad to see people already received their kits, sadly i'll have to wait till mid feb or march :(
can't wait to work on my first stormtrooper
Perhaps not... I ordered my kit on 04/22 and received it today. According to the e-mail from Avonos it was supposed to be shipped Feb/March...

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Is there a lot of extra plastic on the parts so it could fit people that are bigger than the original actors?
And is the cover strips already cut to a spesific size?

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Perhaps not... I ordered my kit on 04/22 and received it today. According to the e-mail from Avonos it was supposed to be shipped Feb/March...

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk

Seriously? Makes you wonder how the alotting is working. I ordered on 4/13 and my account still shows no movement....
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