Another prop room ... [updates throughout thread].

Re: Another prop room ...

Thanks again fellas ... it's been a lot of years of collecting and trading to amass this much stuff! :)

Yesterday I went to the post office to pick up The Elder torso that Scott Marshall was working on for me. He used about 6 Uhaul boxes to box this thing up. Here's what it looked like when he shipped it from Canada:



This box was 4' x 4' x 2'. Being an all resin piece there was very little doubt in my mind that USPS would find a way to damage and smash this thing.

I drove to the post office and it was too large for my Bonneville. I got my neighbors hatchback - no dice. I then borrowed my friends minivan and success! I got that baby home.

It literally took me 30 minutes to unpack and unwrap this thing and much to my surprise not a scratch or ding on it. A testament to Scott's packaging ability. Only one lower mandible tooth came loose and that was it.

Here's a quick vid I shot of it:

DSCN3074.mp4 video by SimmonM - Photobucket

The bone necklaces were shipped seperately - here they are on the Elder:



I have some all metal machined gauntlet blades that I plan on shipping out to Scott to complete the gauntlet boxes. We have yet to discuss whether or not we want to include electronics in the other gauntlet box.


He has also begun sculpting legs for this project:


It was a nerve wrecking couple of weeks waiting for this to arrive. Phew! Glad the 'ordeal' is over! LOL!

On a totally unrelated note - I would like to wish everyone here a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Be safe guys!

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Re: Another prop room ...

Absolutely amazing collection with many pieces that I would love to own. Your collection is always the one to which I wish to aspire.
Re: Another prop room ...

You have incredible stuff.

Is that going to be a lifesize Predator?

You have an Alien Statue that is really cool. Who makes that?

Also, that Tusken Raider is killer. Wow.
Re: Another prop room ...

Thanks again guys!

You have incredible stuff.

Is that going to be a lifesize Predator?

You have an Alien Statue that is really cool. Who makes that?

Also, that Tusken Raider is killer. Wow.

Originally the plan was to build a complete figure but my wallet's taken such a beating these past few months that the project is indefinitely on hold. I did ship Scott some machined chrome gauntlet blades so he may complete the gauntlet tops sooner than later.

That Alien statue is a licensed piece by Cinemaquette. It may still be available thru their website.

So, I have a few Predators in my collection but no Bio's. With the help of my buddy 915Stag51 this bust:


Got converted into this:


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Re: Another prop room ...

Wow!!! Two quick questions....when do you expect your alarm system to fail and will my truck fit in your driveway? :)
Re: Another prop room ...

Man you should open up that room as a museum, I would gladly pay to see all that stuff in person. really awesome collection
Re: Another prop room ...

Thanks again guys. I'm hoping to have a few more updates fairly soon.

Who did the Vader?

Vader is still very much a work in progres. Over the years I've been upgrading the components at a seemingly snail's pace.

The mannequin I got thru ebay and was slightly modified for height and mass by myself. The parts are from assorted makers.

Here's a quick rundown:

- CKing helmet from Acyang
- Chest armor by Portumac
- Chestbox by Artisanprops
- Belt by RNB (features Vaderdave belt boxes and Russrep buckle)
- Cod by Artisanprops
- Custardkitty suit (yeah, yeah, yeah - I'll eventually upgrade to leather)
- SA shins
- boots by Kaboots
- Outer and inner robe from Brazil (forgot the maker)
- ESB lightsaber by Larbel
- Custom form by Tom Spina




Tusken Raider is amazing. What is the base made off?

The Tusken Raider was made by Kelly Delcambre of KMD Artistry. Hard to tell about the base but if I had to venture a guess I would say a very rigid hard foam.
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