80's Christopher Reeve style Superman Costume

Smitty77, go for it! If you don't, it'll be bugging you for the rest of your life! LOL.
Man, I've not been so exited since I've been a kid -A dream come true!
It's just amazing!! I mean when I order mine and it arrives I won't like wear it daily or nothing or even outside the house as my neighbors would think I've lost it. But it would look AMAZING displayed in my prop room or at my office. Lol
The attention to detail is just awesome!!

Outta curiosity, how many we're used in the films and do any of them still exist?
Smitty77, LOL!

Same here...it's an awesome addition to your collection and even worth it if you would just wear it once! This is a MUST have ;)

I was tempted as well....you'll end up purchasing that beautiful replica costume just because you deserve it!

Keep us posted on which color you order...Steel blue or Turquoise blue ;)

Just received a shipping notification from Super.Costumes! It was send through EMS express service so expecting to receive my costume before the weekend. I'll keep y'all posted!

Countdown has begun ;)
Batfoo, What kind of shipping option did you used? Also, the status of the online tracking site seems to freeze at "out of country".

And the excitement builds...:)

Batfoo, Is it going to arrive today? My status is still on "out of country"...seem not to track outside Argentina. Was this the case with your package as well?

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