1/24 X-Wing near 100% from scratch

Wow Rafa! that is EPIC!!!!!! how can you steal a word? silly people :lol. That is some incredible work and thanks for sharing your tool template looks to be a very handy tool.
Thank you guys.

This is the first time that I face the work of building a fuselage. That's why I spent so much time wondering how. I hate doing the same job twice and I prefer to think and plan well to trying secure a good result.

My simple and stupid profiling tool has been a determining factor when deciding to finally start work. The putties do a good job, but I feel better working on a well assembled piece, like a solid piece.

I think it was worth the time it took for reflection. My work on the fuselage is proving better than I dared to imagine. If I had started this job and found a lot of problems and errors, I probably would have discouraged and the whole project would be at risk of failure. Maybe my determination becomes brittle at times, so I need good feelings to continue with enthusiasm.

This project is costing me most of my little free time, and also quite a few hours of sleep, so I need good stimuli. Your kind comments always do a good job on this.

Thanks a lot. :love


Hey Scott.

You can be sure that I've been wondering the same as you for a long time. I've had countless absurd nightmares about this issue. I could write a thriller with them.

Speaking of good stimuli, I will never forget that your generous support has been very important for my project progress. Your piece of brick sheet is a priceless good.

Thank you very much. :love:love

Raf forgive if you already mentioned it, but are you going for a full armature etc?
I mean with articulate wings? Kauro on here re created the S foil mech drive so well, just wondered if you were going the same route.

Raf forgive if you already mentioned it, but are you going for a full armature etc?
I mean with articulate wings? Kauro on here re created the S foil mech drive so well, just wondered if you were going the same route.


Yes Ralphee, I want articulated wings with internal armature. What I've not decided is if I do IL&M style, or shorter in order to place a full cockpit (as they did on the "X-Wing Revisited").
From what I'm yes sure of is that it will not have electrical movement. I would love to be able to do such an excellent job like Kauro, but I have neither the knowledge nor the tools to do so. :cry
Also, I think it is very nice to see your X-Wing opening and closing their wings mechanically but, how often you do that every day? I think it's too much effort for the use to which it will provide. But just my opinion. If I would feel able to do it well and easily, surely I would have another different opinion. :rolleyes

One question: do any of you have a good copy of the IL&M style pilot and would be willing to sell it?
My plans are to make two sets of cockpits and pilots: one in the IL&M style, and the second more detailed, as the props or sets used in ESB.

All the best.
Yes Ralphee, I want articulated wings with internal armature. What I've not decided is if I do IL&M style, or shorter in order to place a full cockpit (as they did on the "X-Wing Revisited").
From what I'm yes sure of is that it will not have electrical movement. I would love to be able to do such an excellent job like Kauro, but I have neither the knowledge nor the tools to do so. :cry
Also, I think it is very nice to see your X-Wing opening and closing their wings mechanically but, how often you do that every day? I think it's too much effort for the use to which it will provide. But just my opinion. If I would feel able to do it well and easily, surely I would have another different opinion. :rolleyes

One question: do any of you have a good copy of the IL&M style pilot and would be willing to sell it?
My plans are to make two sets of cockpits and pilots: one in the IL&M style, and the second more detailed, as the props or sets used in ESB.

All the best.
Hey Rafa no doubt in my mind you could pull off the mechanics of the wings opening and closing, look into the Pro Shop X-Wing kit they made a X-Wing with a motor that opened and closed the wings it was pretty cool,. You can find info on it and just reverse engineer how they did it, I'm guessing a small electric motor and maybe a servo or micro servo used for electric RC planes would do it.
Incredible fuselage Rafa, you have made it look so simple when broken down into your how-to-sections. Amazing detail work, so sharp.

I have a bare bones Harrier pilot you could have mate, if you want it?.
You would need to modify it though.

I have a bare bones Harrier pilot you could have mate, if you want it?.
You would need to modify it though.


Hi Stu.

Yes I am very interested in the Harrier pilot. If I'm not mistaken, to make the necessary modifications I only need to cover his face with that kind of diving mask or whatever.

Please tell me the price of your pilot and shipping to Spain.

Thank you very much, Stu. :)

The fuselage is beautiful.

Moska your work moves quickly. I will have my own version of the pilot in some rubber soon and a visor to go with that can be painted. Happy to send one your way. Give me two weeks if that is not too long.

Totally understand if you want to do your own version but I am happy to share.
Hey Rafa no doubt in my mind you could pull off the mechanics of the wings opening and closing, look into the Pro Shop X-Wing kit they made a X-Wing with a motor that opened and closed the wings it was pretty cool,. You can find info on it and just reverse engineer how they did it, I'm guessing a small electric motor and maybe a servo or micro servo used for electric RC planes would do it.

Ray22, I have the Pro Shop and I examined its mechanism, but I still think I don't need to give movement to my model. Perhaps when I finish all the parts and molds I dare to try ... maybe. :rolleyes
Thank you very much for your faith in my abilities, but for now, I'll not further complicate my project.

The fuselage is beautiful.

Moska your work moves quickly. I will have my own version of the pilot in some rubber soon and a visor to go with that can be painted. Happy to send one your way. Give me two weeks if that is not too long.

Totally understand if you want to do your own version but I am happy to share.

Nighteyes, your pilot looks good, you're doing a good job. :thumbsup
Right now I have no rush to get the pilot, I can calmly wait two weeks or even two months.
Thank you very much for your offer. Please let me know when you finish it.

Hi Rafa,

The movable wings by motors is a lot easier than what you've been doing on your X-Wing.
Because what I did was just designed it and went to the ironwork shop.
What I did the first was to find small motors and put the motors on the armature.
Then I looked for a gear for the center.Feel free to ask me if you have any question.

I'm really impressted with the parts you've made.They are awesome!
Keep up the great work!
Hi Stu.

Yes I am very interested in the Harrier pilot. If I'm not mistaken, to make the necessary modifications I only need to cover his face with that kind of diving mask or whatever.

Please tell me the price of your pilot and shipping to Spain.

Thank you very much, Stu. :)


Hey Rafa, PM me if you still want my Harrier pilot mate, I see an offer was made for a resin one already modified by a helpful member.
That may be a better option for you, but I'm happy to send mine if still wanted?.
Rafa, I can read this thread over and over and not get tired of it. Your masterful techniques are out of this world. Looking forward to more updates! :)
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