Indiana Jones: The Animated Series


Sr Member
OK It's not real, but who wouldn't want to see a Saturday morning (do they still exist?) series of Indy adventures?

Indy and Wu Han, or some adventures with Abner Ravenwood; there are many untold stories.

Assuming at this point Lucas could be excluded from it and some real fans could produce and write with Lucasfilm's consent.

I know, sometimes things are better left alone, but some decent adventures in a CG format could EASILY outdo KOTCS! The guy who does the voices for the Indy video games would be great.
Yes for sure! I guess it would be nice to be able to share Indy with my kids who are too young for the films. Intelligently written..there could be lots of stories to tell without getting too far off the canon established from the trilogy.

This may be the only hope to get Raiders style Indy back.
But not too watered down for the kiddies or it would kill it.
Well, it wouldn't have Harrison, because he's stated (paraphrasing here, I don't remember the exact quote) that he would do an Indy cartoon because he would "hate to see the series reduced to that."
Well, it wouldn't have Harrison, because he's stated (paraphrasing here, I don't remember the exact quote) that he would do an Indy cartoon because he would "hate to see the series reduced to that."

After KOTCS!? They could have a 5 year old write it and it would be better!!!
Well, it wouldn't have Harrison, because he's stated (paraphrasing here, I don't remember the exact quote) that he would do an Indy cartoon because he would "hate to see the series reduced to that."

He obviously hasn't been in comic books stores where it has been "reduced" to mere comic books for decades.

Animation is just another medium. I don't see why he's hatin' on it.
Oh well, his voice is shot anyways for a young Indy I wouldn't want him doing it were it to happen.
He obviously hasn't been in comic books stores where it has been "reduced" to mere comic books for decades.

He doesn't read comics, either. He only read LAST OF THE INDEPENDENTS because we published it landscape and it looked like "elaborate storyboards."

I'm kinda surprised he's in COWBOYS AND ALIENS, what with that being a comic, and all. Must be a heckuva script.
This was just a collectors print but it makes it easy to imagine huh?

Lets see how he met Short Round. Lets see his relationship with Marion develop and fall apart...let's see his father ignoring him and subtly pursuing his own quest.

Even Marcus has some stories to be told..he wasn't always comic relief.

A lost opportunity for sure. Bill & Ted had cartoons, Back to the Future had cartoons..

Speilberg has produced cartoons before.
I honestly don't know why Lucas hasn't ventured into the cartoon media with the Indy franchise.
I would definitely watch a half hour weekly cartoon with Indy running around encountering weirdness and chasing historical artifacts.
I would love to see it in a Samurai Jack animation style.

I'm neutral on the concept of a cartoon. I think they'd be better off with it on Cartoon Network aligned with the Clone Wars, which apparently is a good bit darker and less campy than what one might imagine. Or so some people here have said (I wouldn't know -- I haven't seen any of it).

However, I HATE the Tartakofsky style. To me, it's all just aping the twitchy extremes of Ren and Stimpy, which was novel in its day, but is now old hat.

I'd rather see a more realistic version, personally. I could TOLERATE something like this:

YouTube - STAR WARS : The Solo Adventures (HD)

But I'd really prefer something a bit more realistic looking. If you have to go with something stylized, then preferably something akin to the style of games like Full Throttle, the Dig, and later evolutions of that style. The picture above would work, as long as it wasn't the dominant approach and could be a bit more grounded.

But that said, while such a show would be fun, I doubt they'll do it.
There's so many elements that would make this fantastically entertaining. I agree it would be preferable to see Raiders style Indy so long as it channels Ford's deadpan humor and grit. I'd not seen the Solo adventures until now but yeah- stylistically something more gritty and realistic would be ideal. The format is so simple too- start out at the college and Marcus Brody gives him new assignments. Let's see how Indy and Belloq first clashed- let's see Marion...!
Lets see his relationship with Marion develop and fall apart...

Definitely can't show that in a cartoon. It's been discussed that his relationship with Marion would qualify as statutory rape as she was all of 14 or 15 when it started and he was well in to his college days. That's why Abner and Indy had such a falling out and Marion says she was just a child when her heart was broke.
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