Anyone really buy DVD's anymore

I made the switch to blu-ray and we buy and rewatch, especially during costume building season (now). A dvd goes in for background movie/noise/entertainment as my wife or I are building something and sometimes you stop what youre doing and watch the movie.

Apple is changing the game, but its still a ways off.
Netflix definitely changed my purchasing habits. For example, I own Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, and Band of Brothers. All great films/shows, but I haven't watched them more than once since purchasing them YEARS ago. It's nice to HAVE them, though, in case I decide to watch them.

Years ago, before I had Netflix, I bought both The Mummy Returns and Minority Report. Neither is particularly bad, but I wish I hadn't bought them. I've only watched them once each. Now I just Netflix something if I'm curious about it. If it's good, and I know I'm going to rewatch it multiple times, I'll buy it. Otherwise, back to Netflix it goes and I'll figure I'll just order it from them if I decide to watch again.
Oh I definitely do. I go to walmart at the $5.00 bin and ransack that thing almost everytime I'm there. Thats what has put me over the 400 DVD mark now.
Box set TV series we watch over and over again. Python, The Sweeney, Thunderbirds, King of the Hill we've watched twice over in under 4 years. Jewel in the Crown we're about to re-watch. By choice, we're not hooked up to any TV channel. We expose ourselves only to what we consider perfect TV entertainment, which we select from DVD stores. Last year the box set of Space 1999 was our only viewing - bar a handful of films - for the last 6 months of the year, and we've already re-watched a couple of episodes ( sure, it's rubbish, but it's such beautiful rubbish). So yeah, the Marx quote needs updating:forget religion,TV box sets are the opium of the people. As for movies, I will buy the occasional interesting stuff you can't rent.
Yes I do! Wait until you have children! DVDs are the way to go! Sometimes I really don't want to own a movie on BluRay just because.............!

Hey I still have a 250 movie title LaserDisc library. Mostly Disney, Star Wars original print, Indy trilogy. Listening to a couple home theater podcasts I am learning that many of the LaserDisc titles are original image quality / sound quality off of the movie master! This is before they clean up the audio for 5.1 or 7.1 home theater systems. You won't find the original quality on any DVD or Blu Ray! Interesting fact. The Indy trilogy is an example of this! Raiders of the Lost Ark on LD is a direct copy from the movie master!
Not as many as I used to because of Instant Netflix (and to a lesser degree, the discs). It's also a money thing. However, for something I think will have good special features I'll splash cash and buy it. LOTR and Alien Quadrilogy box sets get A Lot of play at my place, as does The Thing. Just watched the features on the Fifth Element for the first time last night and that'll definitely be in rotation now too. So stuff like that where the streaming doesn't cover it or Netflix doesn't have the good discs, I'm still buying. Blu-ray is a stopgap at best and I refuse to convert. The extra features on some movies almost got me but I know enough people with bluray players that I could rent it and watch at their place without much hassle.
I still buy DVD's. Some great ones under $10 to be had virtually everywhere. Sad thing though is my DVD player is sandwiched between two VHS players I still use, heck I watch almost as many VHS movies as DVD's.
Box set TV series we watch over and over again. Python, The Sweeney, Thunderbirds, King of the Hill we've watched twice over in under 4 years. Jewel in the Crown we're about to re-watch. By choice, we're not hooked up to any TV channel. We expose ourselves only to what we consider perfect TV entertainment, which we select from DVD stores. Last year the box set of Space 1999 was our only viewing - bar a handful of films - for the last 6 months of the year, and we've already re-watched a couple of episodes ( sure, it's rubbish, but it's such beautiful rubbish). So yeah, the Marx quote needs updating:forget religion,TV box sets are the opium of the people. As for movies, I will buy the occasional interesting stuff you can't rent.

Where the hell did you find The Sweeney on DVD? I just found out about that series and am intrigued by it, but it's not available anywhere. I guess it's out of print stateside.
I LOVE LOVE commentaries and behind the scenes features, and for that I still buy DVDs fairly frequently. Since I;ve been able to stream Netflix though, I've been watching my DVDs a little less. However thats only to get caught up with old TV shows that have been recommended to me. I never watch TV unless I'm visiting someone who happens to have it on. I did arrange a special trip over to a friends house to watch the Star Wars Ace of Cakes episode.

But basically, until I can access special features via stream, I will keep buying DVDs. And even when that time comes, it will be hard to give up because I love having something tangible to hold and put on a shelf.
I was thinking of this thread today as I bought a book.

I will buy a DVD of something I really like, if it is really cheap(and I might be interested in the content), or has awesome extra features.

I buy books because the local library is pretty lame.
I try to buy stuff the day it comes out on Blu-Ray, but even now I have a bunch of films I haven't even opened yet!

I buy them on release day because if I wait I will have to pay more up front later buying a bunch at a time. Also usually on release Tuesday is when they are at a good price. Of course over time they get cheaper....
I try to buy stuff the day it comes out on Blu-Ray, but even now I have a bunch of films I haven't even opened yet!

I buy them on release day because if I wait I will have to pay more up front later buying a bunch at a time. Also usually on release Tuesday is when they are at a good price. Of course over time they get cheaper....

yeah I remember when X-files came out they where like 99.99 or something and now they are cheap as hell
Oh... do proper, legal movie downloads not have the special features on them??!!
Fong that for a game of soldiers, then. I'm sticking with DVD!!

On Netflix they don't, at least not yet. I don't know about other legal options. And I've never illegally dowloaded a movie, so I have no idea what's on those.
Probably 3 years ago I used to visit Best Buy every Tuesday and buy maybe 3 or 4 DVDs at a time, but lately it's more like I'll pick up 2 DVDs a month.

I have 5 IKEA Billy book shelves overflowing with DVD's and I think I may need 3 more for the DVD's accumulating on the floor.
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