Star Trek: Bonaventure C1-21


Well-Known Member
Possibly the most obscure Star Trek Ship?

I got tired of waiting for someone to make a 3d model that I could print out, so I decided to use some of the scraps I had to put it together.
I'm not going for 100% screen accurate cause that's way out of my league and there's only so many pictures of the studio model.


I'm using the left over bits from a Futura Phoenix model as one of the modules (I used the other parts to make a different thing.) A couple of parts from a Thunderbird 3. A bit from a cutway of the Bell X-1. There's even a deflector dish from an Enterprise kit.

The cockpit part needs to be mostly scratch built however:

The base is a part of a Yamato kit just to help me with sizing and the bottom curve. The rest just get stacked and glued.


I started with the main part of the cockpit. I'm using it as an oppertunity to practice my scratch building and I tried to get it as symetrical and smooth as I could.
Then I build out the ear muff pieces.



That's all for the first weekend on this one.
I'm looking forward to getting to greeble and paint this one.
Details Painted!
The white bar is just backing for the decal I'll add later. But I'll probably print that out when I have more I need to do.

Next, weathering.
And done:
Weathered and decaled.

I figure that the ship would have been the one Cochrane used right after the Phoenix, so it was cobbled together from whatever people had, or could get into orbit. So I slapped a bunch of decals from different agencies and companies to reflect that.

In my Headcannon it was used to test the warp drive for longer flights and maybe even made the trip to Alpha Centauri.

Overall, pretty proud of how it came out even if it's not quite straight and symmetrical.
I'm working on a Bonaventure 3 and after that a Bonaventure 2 to fill out the different versions of Cochrane's ship from different versions of canon.
Kind of Update! Bonaventure III!
I whipped up another model using some more scraps. I've been wanting to do a Star Trekified X-15 for a long time.
Bonus points if you can tell what other space ship's spare parts I used for it!

In my head canon, this is the ship Cochrane was using in the 2110s as his personal research ship and yacht. I figure it would be reaching close to Warp 2 at that stage and he was working on cracking the Warp 2 Barrier when he vanished.

I have plans to do the Bonaventure 2 based on the Spaceflight Chronology version
One last update:
I did a version of the Spaceflight Chronology Bonaventure.
In my head cannon, this was the first warp capable colony ship sent by what was becoming Starfleet and backed by the United Earth. (As opposed to the crackpot homesteaders who went to places like Terra Nova by themselves, underfunded and underprepared.)
I see this as a pretty big ship. Bigger than a lot of the later Federation ships that come later. Starfleet favoured a more "one and done" style of colonisation. They packed all the people and supplies to get the colony started and self sufficient all in one ship and sent them off at Warp 1. It would have enough power and antimatter to get to the destination only, so no exploring and no turning around.
When it gets to the system, the forward section decouples and lands on a planet, becoming a solid base for the colonists to build a city around. Meanwhile the drive section stays in place and acts as a relay station and foundation for future space stations.
Eventually, Starfleet realises that doing this way was really inefficient and they go towards more small scale colonisation methods.
I also figure that the big bell is a prototype for impulse engines, but as the tech was new, it was a lot clunkier.

As for Cochrane, I see him being reluctantly coaxed into being the chief engineer of it's giant warp engines with promises of his own tropical island on Alpha Centuari and for naming rights of the ship.

I think it could also be possible that the ship was refitted and reused much later on and was the same Bonaventure that appeared in the TAS episode (if you ignore what appears on screen.)
Kingmob, I'd love to get really boring with you about the timeline and who was doing what where when. *heh* Your builds of both versions are exquisite and I would love to have them on my shelf, too. But I maintain fixed scales. For that era, I'd need both to be 1:500. I'm still blueprinting things for my own scratchbuilds, along with a DY-100, the Charybdis, military and civilian shuttles (remember that Star Trek's 20th and 21st centuries weren't ours), and so forth.

Still, those are so gorgeous.
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@Kingmob, I'd love to get really boring with you about the timeline and who was doing what where when. *heh* Your builds of both versions are exquisite and I would love to have them on my shelf, too. But I maintain fixed scales. For that era, I'd need both to be 1:500. I'm still blueprinting things for my own scratchbuilds, along with a DY-100, the Charybdis, military and civilian shuttles (remember that Star Trek's 20th and 21st centuries weren't ours), and so forth.

Still, those are so gorgeous.
Thanks for the complement.

I hadn't thought of scale that much while i was building it. But If the nacelles on the Bonaventure 1 are the same size as the Phoenix's (cause that's what they are) then it's at 1:263 scale. It's 14.5 cm Which would make it around 38 meters long in real life.
So a 1:500 would be pretty tiny.

Here's what I did with the other parts of that Furuta Phoenix.
I'm also thinking about using another one of them to make a diorama along the lines of this:

I'm a huge fan of the era between First Contact and Enterprise, so I'd love to see any ships you're building from around then.

do you sell these models, id love to get one from you how much for one kit???? please let me know my email is
Lol, no sorry. I'm not nearly that good and I didn't make molds or anything.
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