Rogue One Rebel Soldier Helmet

If you disagree.. well, make your helmet how you like it. Then we are all happy. :)

It really doesn't matter to me, just trying to keep open to possibilities. I don't replicate props based on the way they are built. I'm more of an idealized builder.

Here is what I have decided to do for the lamp mounting system.

Using a magnetic badge holder, some self sticking craft foam, and some two sided tape, I made this part:


It mounts to a piece of metal that for now is just wrapped and suspended using black duct tape:

The result is this:

I have not finished the lamp as I have not finalized the decision for the light source:
I am still waiting on a mini light. I have a bore lamp which I can easily clip inside the helmet but the neck is easily seen. Although it's not awful:

Also, a little bit of the wife's clear nail polish really helps sell the glass lens look:
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I've been looking at the extra picture of the Rogue helmets on set, and noticed a couple of things.

The torch has slipped so is inline with the bottom edge of the helmet. Marked with an arrow below.
The torch appears to be held in place with just a bent piece of wire. This wire sits behind the blast shield. Because its slipped down in this photo, its visible.

The cable/wire around the helmet strap appears to be some sort of headphone wire cut off. Number 1 shows where the wire is cut off. Number 2 shows the 'hexagon' shaped body.
I noticed the bent wire lamp support when that image was first posted. For a long time, it was going to be my personal method for mounting the lamp. However I started to get concerned with a few things such as the best way to secure the wire frame in the helmet. Would it move around a lot? Also I have some ideas about replacing the lamp with a 3D print or even a metal lathed body. So I was concerned about drilling into future lamps and also if the internals would be damaged with drilling holed into the side. Like I said, I am more an idealized prop replica builder so I wanted to go with simple and functional especially since the mount is not a very visible detail.
I've started mine at last! Trimmed and sanded it.

So how have people attached the shield to the helmet itself? Mines quite loose. If you turn the helmet upside down it will fall off.

Any suggestions?

My shield is also a little wide at the sides, can you heat this stuff up and re-shape?
I've started mine at last! Trimmed and sanded it.

So how have people attached the shield to the helmet itself? Mines quite loose. If you turn the helmet upside down it will fall off.

Any suggestions?

My shield is also a little wide at the sides, can you heat this stuff up and re-shape?

Once I have everything done to the helmet, I plant to take a patch of velcro and attach it on the back of the helmet and maybe a smaller patch at the front for stability. I also have some old bike helmet fitting foam that I can add if I need to.

If you have gaps on the side like me, I opted to leave them. I noticed when I played around with trying to reshape it to fit the sides, the gaps transfer to the front/back which looks worse.
I've started mine at last! Trimmed and sanded it.

So how have people attached the shield to the helmet itself? Mines quite loose. If you turn the helmet upside down it will fall off.

Any suggestions?

My shield is also a little wide at the sides, can you heat this stuff up and re-shape?

I ended up attaching two snaps to each side of the blast shield. I put the snap through a piece of plastic and then glued that to the shield. The other side of the snap is attached to the fabric cover. I marked where the snaps went by first gluing them on the shield and then putting a dab of paint on them, fitting it how I liked on the helmet and then the paint transferred to the fabric. That was my mark for the other half of the snap. Works pretty slick and holds nice and tight.

I know it's a little late in the game at this point, but whatever. I just saw something very, VERY similar to this band. Unfortunately, the one I saw was too small for this application, but it looks like a rubber seal or gasket. The one I saw was for a 1940's Mercedes headlamp. Like I said, it was too small to fit around an M1, but there might be a larger one somewhere that fits the bill. The trouble would be finding it.

Alex, I can't say I believe it's ANY kind of automotive belt. I've grown up around race cars my whole life, been in and out of the mechanics trade and I've never seen a belt close to that. Here is another pic stolen from Star

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Nice work great plan.

I ended up attaching two snaps to each side of the blast shield. I put the snap through a piece of plastic and then glued that to the shield. The other side of the snap is attached to the fabric cover. I marked where the snaps went by first gluing them on the shield and then putting a dab of paint on them, fitting it how I liked on the helmet and then the paint transferred to the fabric. That was my mark for the other half of the snap. Works pretty slick and holds nice and tight.

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thanks for the replies guys, this is a great help!

Sorry if i've PM'ed people i didnt get an email to say these posts had been sorry for the nagging!
Well I got a band today (in the UK). Looks and fits nicely. Not perfect as its got a texture, and is stuck together at one point.

Noticed the screen used one has a profile (unlike the poster version).
Got my blast shield today and started to paint it. But I am not sure with the color and the gloss rate. Shall it stay that matt finished? After adding a metallic layer I added the space tone and a very thin and sloppy looking black layer to make it a little bit darker. Didn't do any weathering so far. The one you see was made by accident and I considered to keep it. Any recommendations are very much appreciated.

Foto 02.06.17, 19 35 08.jpgFoto 02.06.17, 19 34 19.jpgFoto 02.06.17, 19 32 01.jpg
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The rubber helmet band may be a drive belt for something like a vacuum cleaner? Also in Vietnam some guys would make a helmet band out of a bicycle inner tube.