My STAR TREK TOS Full Scale Bridge Science Station


Well-Known Member
Hi folks. For your enjoyment I am ready to post a few pictures of my full scale STAR TREK bridge science station build. (The pictures were taken with my phone camera so they're not that great. The moire' will not photograph well at all in any case but it works and is awesome. Will post more professional versions soon.)

Being a ST TOS fan since I was a kid in 1976, I've always wanted to walk onto the bridge of the Enterprise. I wanted to build a larger full length version of Spock's station but space was limited. I elected to build the science station over other set pieces because I felt it had the most bang for the effort; plenty of blinking lights, buttons and switches, colors and spinning things and displays. I spent alot of time scaling it to a few known dimensions and feel it is really quite accurate...even down to the placement of the objects. There are a couple personal choice differences for various reasons but they are pretty minor.

The whole display took about 6 months working a few hours a day (including many during the worst summer on record here in the USA in a top floor apartment building.) :love

But I enjoyed every minute of it and hope you do to.





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I just realized you posted this in the Studio Scale Model section.

You may want to see if a Moderator can move it into the replica prop forum
for you.

This is a full sized set piece! :thumbsup

Also, My next time over, I'll bring my DVD cam and we can shoot some video if this in action!
Thanks everyone. Glad you enjoy it!

That sounds good, Brian. Next time we all do lunch we can get some pics and video of it.

Or maybe I can get YouTube to come out and film it??


PS - Can a moderator please move this link to the proper area when you get a moment. Thanks!
Thanks, Will. Yeah. You got me there.

I for some reason decided to make my own graphic on that light panel. It's actually a combination of a couple other panels I thought would look more interesting. It was during the initial couple weeks of the build when I was building it for myself with no mind of potentially unloading it at some later point. (Support arms are bolted to the wall which is a technically a violation of my apartment it's only a matter of time before annual inspection time and I have to get remove it.) :angel

Eventually I will be re-doing each blinking panel...the cells need to be smaller and more accurate to the show. Your website is a great resource thank you!

Continued thanks, guys!

When I started to make this whole prop, I had a bunch of parts and pieces left over from the computer section build. So I am completing that one for Ebay.

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