Star Trek TOS Phaser Belt


New Member
Hey all, I'm looking to complete my TOS Starfleet Officer Uniform. I don't know what a female Starfleet officer would use as a phaser belt, any advise?
Well in "The Savage Curtain" the security guards had white belts with the dress uniforms. Other then that the only time I think there was a belt on a female was in "Operation: Annihilate?" when Uhura wore a black belt. Hope that helps.
Here it is:



Thanks everyone! :D That helped alot. I'm assuming just connecting the phaser with a piece of velcro would be the best choice?
Nothing compared to the Red Shirt Bloodbath that is the episode "Obssession".

3 Dead and 1 soon to die, before the opening credits.

I was thinking of that episode as I was typing my comments about The Apple. :lol

Back to the subject at hand what material were the black utility belts made of?
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