ANH Bust Project:Luke, Leia, Han, Obi Wan,Tarkin & Chewie

Eden S

Jr Member
Hi Everyone,
As my first post on this forum, I'd like to share some in progress pics of the first in a line of busts I'll be working on. The original Star Wars trilogy has been a source of inspiration for a long time so I'm making a series of 1/5 scale busts ...starting with Luke. I have chosen medium Chavant NSP as the clay for this because it is easy to shape and also can handle a lot of fine details. I have been working as a sculptor for 11 years and I think I'm finally at the point in my skill level where I can do justice to the great characters in ANH. No droids though. Here are first pics of Luke


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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke

Daaaaaaamn. This is great; immediately recognizable. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see the finished version, and the ones you have planned next. Thanks for sharing!
Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke

Thanks guys! It's coming along quickly, so I've got some more pics. I have been using over 200 reference photos to make this bust ,along with a lot of screen caps from the film, so the accuracy will eventually be where it should be. Getting some more details to face and hair now. For some reason ,Photobucket didn't work so I posted the pics from my computer....hopefully they show.
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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke

Finally got a copy out of the mold cleaned it up and painted it. I used every one of my reference photos of Mark Hamill for this piece and I'm happy with the likeness.
Here are finished painted pics of Luke!
Leia is next on the list so I will show progress photos for that bust too.
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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke

Hi Everyone,
I watched the new Star Wars last night so needless to say,I'm pretty keen to get these busts happening. VERY INSPIRED MOVIE! Probably going to have to sculpt at least a couple of characters from The Force Awakens after these ones are finished! Here are progress pics of Leia.DSC0408.jpgDSC0409.jpgDSC0410.jpg
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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

this is fantastic work eden!
look forward to seeing more from you!

welcome to the site!
Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

Thanks for the welcome Ultraman! Here are finished painted pics of Princess Leia. Lost a bit of resolution reducing these ones for viewing so some are not so clear... but here goes....enjoy!DSCF0442.jpg.jpgDSCF0443.jpg.jpgDSCF0444.jpg.jpgDSCF0445.jpg.jpgDSCF0446.jpg.jpg
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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

Quite possibly the best Leia likeness I've seen. The Luke is also exemplary.
You're clearly a very talented artist. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

Thanks Trilogy,I'm glad you like them. I kept seeing likenesses over the years that did not seem to look like the actual characters in Star Wars but looked like a close relative or....sometimes..... just someone who lived down the road. I have been doing this for quite a while now, in fact I sculpted my first likeness back in 2000. This is probably the first time you'll see someone write something positive about this, but that famous bagel hairstyle of Leia's actually worked in a favorable way in helping to get a realistic look to the hair in clay- No loose strands! Next up..........Han Solo.
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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

Yes! The sculpting forum has been without stuff like this for too long. These are great! But1/5? They don't look that small. You work fast man!
Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke and Leia

Thanks Alaneye! It's the end of the year and I'm not going away on holidays so I'm using the time I've got between jobs to get these busts happening. I was not too quick when I started sculpting though I have become a lot faster over the years.....due to a lot of practice (and deadlines). Here are some progress pics of Han!


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Re: ANH Bust Project:Luke, Leia and Han.

As this is a make-up as well as sculpture forum, I thought I'd post some pictures of another project that I worked on that I think some of you would be interested in!
Check out the Karellen thread to see pics of a full body creature suit that was featured last week on the mini series Childhood's End on the Syfy Channel!
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