Kylo helmet dimentions

Martini Racing

New Member
Any one out there with the Anovos or Propshop Kylo Ren helmet ? can you post a pic with a tape measure next to the face plate so i can get an idea of scale, i'm trying to scratch build, and all pep files etc, are different and a little small . appreciate it , thanks
faceplate template.jpg
after about 2 days searching , finally managed to get a dimension , from top of front plate to top of recessed part of the bottom on the plate is near enough 105mm and after further serious photoshop action with 27 reference photographs of the propshop helmet courtesy of and Adam Savage , i came up with this , i know its rough but it works , printed out and cut from 3mm palifoam (sintra?) andsome heat gun action . pic soon

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rough cutout and bent to shape, left a lot of extra material , incase heatgun melted edges, the pic makes it look too skinny but it is really close

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iphone makes it look skinny, its not, all sanded down to the right shape , with dents etc. also added extra 2mm palfoam layer onto the back side
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backplate made, 1mm palfoam with details cut out , with 3mm backing layer and milliput to add curves, bit unhappy with back plate , my fault for having no patience, hoping paint will cover up the mess, but i think a remake is gonna be the first order of business
Instead of redoing the back plate, i recessed the front plate with the mighty Dremmel, and they fitted beautifullly, bit of sanding later and all was good, also redid the top vent things ?its painted with a brush , Paynes Gray Acrylic, and a 2B pencil to draw on a few highlights n scratches , tiny bit of acrylic silver in big scratches, looks like the Palfoam texture + brushing makes guite a good match, compared to screen used helmet


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IMG_8949.JPGIMG_8948.JPGIMG_8947.JPGIMG_8946.JPGIMG_8950.JPGHeres my rough helmet shape - pre Bondo face plate attached by 2 screws at the moment -just to test fit - used Kylo_Ren_Simplified_Model_By_Rundow_Unfold_By_E60flip345 FOAM - pepakura - as template, resized to 118.161060 :) seemed to fit my face plate well enough - but some serious time with a heat gun to bend the Palfoam . more later


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This turned out GREAT! I love a good scratchbuild and this has to be one of my favorites so far!

sent from the cockpit of SLAVE I
the scale looks very good.
Maybe use a narrower angle of camera for the pics, to avoid weird shape on the picture( with wide angle, makes what is close closer, and bigger, and what is far farther, and smaller, like big nose when it's someone, or fisheye effect)
If you are using a phone I suggest you to use the zoom on screen and take from farther.
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