Ready Player One's Holy Grenade - Fan hand made

Sek ToynJoy

New Member
Hello everybody !

I'm Sek, a French Props Maker, and I'm presenting to you the making of the Holy Hand Grenade from the "Ready Player One" movie.

I started to made this project from august 2018. I am a really big fan of the Monty Python's movies and I used to play "Worms" computer game. As I saw "Ready Player One" and the ultimate reference to the Holy Grenade, I started to made this prop as a challenge, because nobody made this.

In this topic, you'll see all the process and the making of the Holy Grenade, from the beginning to the end. I will publish every friday to inform you the advance of this project.

My will is to make an high fidelity replica of this 3D object, as we can see from the "Ready Player One" movie.

The Holy Grenade will be entirely in tin metal, with full functional leds and computer parts. You can take the pin out of the grenade, a mechanism will play the sound as you can hear in the movie.

Ready ? You can follow the adventure now, in this very topic. Stay tuned !



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Hi everybody !

We are not friday, but I wanted to show you the new pieces...

Don't forget, work in progress !!!

Enjoy the picture and stay tuned, I'll be back friday with some fresh news !!!!

Stay tuned !!!

Hi everybody !!!

This is the day of the news…

You can see the progress of the project. I wanted to say that this Grenade is all hand-made, and I spent dozen of hours during the beginning of this project.

I give to you the pictures of the process. Yo can see the photos of the molds I used for making the pieces… I made all the molds myself, after a lot of researchs and extrapolations.

As I said, I want the Holy Grenade to be as accurate as possible from the movie. So I proceed with pictures from the movie and researchs from the Net.

The model of the Holy Grenade is entirely made in 3D, and used an 3D printer to made the pieces that I used to made the molds. Latex for molds is RTV/HB. Tin is difficult to mold, so I tried numerous times to made the pieces. Every piece cost a lot of time to made.

See you next friday for all the processing of the week…and focus on the cross ;)

Stay tuned !!!
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Hello everybody !!!

here comes the day to show you the advance in the project. This week, I have upgraded the Cross Mold, for entering the ring into the cross. This way, there will be no welding.
For the pictures, you can see the Cross mold, he’s also in RTV/HB composure.

The ring is steel, he’ll be paint gold like. The cross will be finish with all the composures soon. It’ll be file down, sund, and coat, then gold like and decorated with the stones you can see in the movie. The stones will be mold in red resin, silver filaments will finish the cross to integer the final process of the grenade.

In the future weeks, I’ll start to manage the electronic part of the grenade. If you want to bring me some help, I’m totally novice in this domain.

Have a good week and rendez-vous next friday.

Stay tuned !!!


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WOW! this piece is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to so the finished product. Do you plan to buff out the metal to make it shine or are you going to leave it as is.
I love the double nerdiness of this prop - in the movie it's a prop from, it's already a prop from another movie :)

Would you consider making resin casts of this and selling them, even in unfinished kit form? I'm pretty sure you'd have a lot of interested buyers here if you decided to do that...
Hello everybody !!!

A lot of thanks for all your comments, it warms my heart !!!

For responding to Datvincidoe, yes, I plan to buff out the metal, and some other things, as for the cross, the body of the grenade isn't finish yet. There will be a lot of work to do. It will exactly be as you can see in the movie. The pictures are "WORK IN PROGRESS" labelled !

For Thepoynt, unfortunately, I am not considering selling resin casts, I prefer to sell a finished product. Sorry !

Rendez vous next friday for some news !!!

Stay tuned !!!
Hi everybody !!!

Due to numerous questions about the selling part of the grenade, I want to precise that you’ll find soon on this very site a « PROJECT RUN » where you’ll find the 10th first pieces of the Holy Grenade.

The Holy Grenade will be sold in a serie of 10th, each piece will be numeroted and signed, with the number of the serie itself.

I already have to make the « sell-plan », because this is a prototype I haven’t yet finish, and I don’t know the number of hours I’ll spend on this project. Approximatively 300 hours from the beginning… And the project still run… Soon you’ll have answers…

On the pictures, you can see the Cross on the first step of finished product, and gold leaf I will apply on it… Very difficult to apply on tin… A lot of hours of work again !!! You'll have more pictures of the Cross with details of where I will apply the gold leaf...

See you next friday.

Stay tuned !!!

Hello everybody !!!

Just a little word for the Cross.

I have tested the gold leaf, you can see the firts try on the pictures... As I said on the previous post, it's very difficult to apply on tin, a lot of manutention is needed for the process. This is the first try. Tell me what you think of it...

It's all for the moment !!!

Stay tuned !!!



Hello everybody !!!

This is the news from the half shell. You can see there is a lot of work to do again, this is job in progress.

Parts are beforehand positionned one for another, maintained with white glue paste, weld together with tin, sand the welding, painted with 3 layers of painting, and 2 layers of gold paint. Gold leaf is not working on the pieces you can see on the pictures, only in the Cross.

These pieces in the movie seems to be brass metal, not gold. Are U agree with that ???

Next step : the other half shell (Down shell) that I need to make in tin too. Modelisation is in progress.

Stay tuned !!!

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This is looking fantastic! what a fun project.

On a side note, when Spamalot was on Broadway I managed to get a peek backstage with the Props Master of the original production. He had found that the more money they spent on a prop (like a dropping Trojan Bunny, that never made it in the show) the less luck they had with it. The best example of the $2 prop for the stage was the Holy Hand-grenade, which consisted of a whiffle ball covered with strips of Velcro which was thrown at a set piece and stuck.

After seeing this project, I'm considering making a replica of that stage prop. ;-)
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