my 1st ever build of "Moss Man"


New Member
I'm new to RPF and thought I would post my 1st ever custom build...I love Halloween and well I made this guy based on Reel FX Ghoul Reel F/X Latex Prosthetics for Halloween Costumes [/h]I needed to figure out the how and needed a base...This is version 4.0 I do believe as Moss Man works in a haunted house. So I don't have much of a build thread as I'm new to RPF.

Basically its Liquid Latex...gauze and Latex 76 (from a taxidermy place) and fake blood (Ben Nye) plus real green moss. I bought the suit & all old clothes from a thrift store. And altered them with latex to make it look like bones & stuff on the suit...and webbing...I still need to improve him. However because I don't move in the haunted house everyone thinks im a prop ...which has gotten me punched in the nose a few times. This year being the worst, been working at the haunted house for 14 years .

Picture of Moss Man from last year and some from this year the one in the dark & the one with the monster truck is this year.


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From the rules:

"Third, you must post a proof photo into your build thread, "proving" this is your costume in order to dissuade those who might simply submit a random photo from off the internet. The "proof" photo needs to be you, in costume, with either a sheet of paper that says "The RPF Costume Contest 2014" or a photo of you in costume with your computer in the background with up on the computer. This is a very important step, so make sure to include your "proof" photo when entering!."

If you can post that today you're in. :)
I didn't know that as those pics were taken at Halloween before I knew about the contest best I can do is take a pic of all the clothing with the sheet of paper but IO think its too late it midnight ...maybe next year :(
I just received this now as im off to bed for work when I get home tommorw Ill get my pieces & my face & the piece of paper & take a picture thanks much :)
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