StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt) FINISHED - Now with a ton of pics.


Master Member
Heres a project I've been thinking of working on for a while. Couldn't find any models from this game other then a 3D printed one.
Between the 2 games, I'm basing this more on the first game, although I will still change up some stuff depending on what looks best.
The remastered HD version of the game just came out in August, so heres 2 screen shots of the Cruiser. Then between some levels, they use to just have a black screen with text. Now they added nice drawings, 2 of which have the front and back of this. That helps a whole lot for detail.


So first, I decided to needed to clean up my room. My table had rounded edges and things would always fall off the back side towards the wall and was such a pain to find it. So I took some really thin styrene I had and hope that will make it better.


So I'm always trying to find any part around the house from whatever to use. At work I had these water bottles and realized they would be perfect for the inside of the main 4 engines.


I happen to have 1 inch pipe, that really needs to be cleaned, and these caps fit in. This is the side you won't see.


Heres looking inside. Can't wait to greeblie it all up.


For my first time ever, I'm going to add lights. Something very new to me. With Christmas around the corner, they have the lights out. Found a perfect battery pack light set for $2. Drilled a hole in the water bottle cap and the light fit perfectly.


Now that I have that part of of the way, I have to get the design down. Heres some of the materials I have. Spent $30 just today on some of the stuff.
Went to the hobby shop, and then went to this place called, Skycraft, which is more for electronic parts, but they really have some nice things that work on models.


I have some really good ideas on how to do some things, can't wait to get things going and post more pictures.


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Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

This is awesome!!

I had thought about doing something Starcraft related when I downloaded the re-release of the classic Starcraft, but life and things are in the way so it's remained just a thought. For now.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

This is awesome!!

I had thought about doing something Starcraft related when I downloaded the re-release of the classic Starcraft, but life and things are in the way so it's remained just a thought. For now.
Yeah, I wanted to do this for so long, but felt more intimidated on it. I sure hope I can get it all done how I want.
So if you end up working on something from the game, what would you make? Theres so much to pick from.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got a bit more done. I wanted to get the main Yamato gun in the front planned out. Looked through the parts and came out with this.
The round silver vent part is from a Febreze can insert that I took apart. Not sure what the blue and white part thing are. The orange cap is from a glue stick.


Put together, it looks like this.


For the long parts that are off the wings, I'm changing it up a bit. In game, looks like long arrows, but I want to go more with this.

However, I had to drill holes in the ends and it needed the biggest bit I had. Which ended up chewing it up and just wasn't working out. I need to do 34 of these.

Went to the store for different parts and found these.

They fit perfectly.

I think I can take the original part and do something like this. Looking at the picture, I think I might turn it around or whatever ends up looking best. I'll still have to cut the ends off, but easier than making a hole.


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Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got a bit more done. Trimmed these pieces down some more and added these rods on the sides.


Got these glued together.


And heres pretty much how it will look, depending if I add more detail or not. Well see. Decided to rotate the yellowish parts because I thought it did look better that way.


Heres where its going to be at on the ship. I thought it looked too boring in the game, so you can see I made it a bit more crazy. Now I have to make 3 more.......

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Really digging your scratchbuild so far. Nice work. (I'm a sucker for using scavenged/found parts on builds)

Oh and I get lost for hours in Skycraft. It's like disneyland for modelers/prop builders!
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Really digging your scratchbuild so far. Nice work. (I'm a sucker for using scavenged/found parts on builds)

Oh and I get lost for hours in Skycraft. It's like disneyland for modelers/prop builders!
Thanks. And yeah, love Skycraft. I look at everyone there and think that there all doing something electrical, and here I am going through parts for a model knowing I'll be ripping things apart.
Also, nice to see more people from Orlando. I'm surprised how many members are from here.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Final getting a chance to post real quick. Been working a little here and there on measurements. Not so good at that type stuff, so takes me a long time.
I had a spare piece of messed up photo paper, so used this to design the back of the ship. Did that on Monday.


Tuesday I got it all cut out on the real stuff. Turned out great. Cutting out 2mm styrene isn't so easy.


Also went to Home Depot and found some stuff. Added 3/4 pipe inside the 1" pipe....which didn't quite fit. So I had to add a few layers of styrene, which didn't do so well at first, but I got it in the end. Then I thought it would look good to add the square rods to the ends.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

So I've been getting the backside put together. The right side fit perfectly, but the left is having issues. One of the pipes was just off a little by a slight angle. Didn't notice it last night when I glued it. Probably because I was up til 5am. Tried to see if it would work out, but no. Had to rip it off and re-glue it on. And what I did, was after I got the right side figured out, I then flipped the pieces and redrew them and made sure it all matched up. Now, its not matching up.
Had to walk away for a while. I'll try again later on and think I'll get it to work.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Reworked the left side, and while its much better, still has some issues.

First I blue taped everything to make sure it all fit. Then flipped the pieces and redrew them for the other side.

Went ahead and glued it together. Looked great.




When I went to try the left side, not all the parts lined up right. As I said above, the big pipe glued on at a bit of an angle. Once I fixed it best I could, things still were off a bit, but much better. For the panel that says, L out, it would be bent if lined up like the other side. The only way to make it work, was to have the big gap on the round part of the pipe.
I know I'll be fixing up a ton of things anyways and using a bunch of apoxie.


Now from behind, it does look really good. You can see the little switch I added for the battery pack.

Where the battery fits.

So this is where I'm at for now.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)


I thought it would be cool to have something on the bottom to give it a reason to be hovering when in a planets atmosphere. You never really see the bottom well enough ingame to know. So looking through all my stuff, I always end up looking in my big lego box just incase theres anything usable.
Found these tires from set my brother had gotten years ago. Funny too, because my parents got him the set which made a dump truck because I was hogging all the legos....yet somehow I still ended up with them all. Oh, this this set wasn't even lego brand, it was Tyco...(poor mans legos.)

So anyways, the rim part is what I wanted. Had to cut the back part off like in the left and get them to look like the right one.


Heres how the four will look underneath the ship.


I made the bottom part for the four,.....ummm.... hovering parts, and one hole in the middle for the rod to hold the whole thing up.


Will look something like this. But I didn't like that the drill still didn't make perfect circles.


So I got these washers at Home Depot to round it out.


Heres now where I'm at.



I now have to work on the innersupport to make sure the thing is strong.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Heres some more done.
Put in the main support and support rod holder.


Its getting some weight to it now.


Holds up nicely.


And a quick lights test with flash on (with the engines just dry fitted in)

And flash off. I'm just guessing the primer and paint will hide all the light bleeding through the plastic.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Been working on the wings. Wanted to get them figured out but not glued on yet.


Added this little section on the wing for detail. Wanted to get that done before I moved on.





Figured I better prime and paint it before its glued in to make it easier.


Hard to take a good pic of something black. I'll add more painted detail later on, but this is good for now.
I'll now have to make up the left side.


Glad I have off the next 4 days from work, so I can hopefully get some major stuff done....between helping around the house and all.....
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