Prometheus Space Jockey pics?


New Member
Hi everyone!
A friend of mine introduced me to this website, and I love all the work that's done on here. With that said, I'm in dire need of some help. I'm in the process of the creating a Space Jockey bust from Prometheus/Alien. However, the few pics I do have aren't very good and some of it is guesswork at best. Does anyone happen to have some good pics of him from the new movie? I've looked high and low all over the internet but have come up with very little. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
I guess you'll have to wait until the "Art of Prometheus" book is available (June 12). I've preordered teh book and will most likely start working on a SJ bust or costume while I wait for August 10th to watch the movie here on Spain u_u

Edit: I assume you've seen these, haven't you?


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