Arnold sculpt and Terminator 1/2 and 1/2 sculpt...


New Member
I am a hobbyist getting serious about my skills...I sculpted an Arnold bust a couple of years ago and it got such great reviews i thought to try and make different variations of it via characters he played...My extreme end is the 1/2 and 1/2 T-800 and Arnold head inspired from the old TV show i watched as a kid called The Incredible Hulk (many of you undoubtldy have seen it)..

My question is this...I am not an electronics wizard by any means but i would love to know how to work the LED red light for they eye? I have seen display models but never attempted this myself...this is a 1.1 scale bust and I have seen alot of options for lights but i do not want to waste uneccessary money on buying the wrong size/kind...

Included are the photos of me and my sculptures....I also do Stallone as well...these are my favortie 2 actors


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Looking good. Proportions are good. Can't wait to see more.

Sadly, can't help with the lighting, but I'm sure someone would chime in to help you out.

Good luck. :)
We all seem to be having some photo loading issues. As for you lighting needs, there are many options. You could get a small led torch from a pound/dollar store and use the parts from that or a very simple circuit can be made from an electronics store. You'd need a red l.e.d. some wires a small switch and a power supply. i'd go with a 12v l.e.d. and a 9v battery. it won't be quite as bright not using 12v but the capacity of the 9v batteries means it would last a very long time.

And of course you get to put your tongue on the 9v battery and make that crazy face that you can't make any other time.

Hope that helps.
If I'm not mistaken then TazVader worked on a functional endoskeleton eye, so would probably know how to set up a LED. I'll see if I can find the thread.
OK i have found a source of LEDS from KINGSBRIGHT..they are going to send me a 5mm sample to see if it fits..these are 2 prong through hole do i hook these up?

Doppleganger..i could use a little assist..i plan on using these in both resin sculpt busts and trying to find a way to "implant" them in latex and silicone masks

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please see the below post...found LEDS but need guidance on getting them to work

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a few shots of the etreme 1/2 and 1/2 Terminator...THIS was what was inspired by the old Incredible Hulk Tv series...i am not 100% satisfied with the T--800 eye...but until i can get a line on a LED setup i will leave it as is
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