
Well-Known Member
When people first started making their Kylo belts it was believed that the belt was 5 inches wide. Now it is put out infact that the belt with is 41/2 inches, which has spurred a lot of debate and people arguing about the proper with on the facebook page. What needs to be taken into consideration is a person's height and body style. How the belt looks with that individual's proportions. Not every one doing Kylo is as tall as Adam Driver or built the same way. I know on my Kylo a 5 inch belt looks huge. I am 5'7" . I was happy my self when they said the belt was thinner. The people that write the CRL's do an amazing job with the work they do so we can make great costumes and copy them as close as we can. My only suggestion would be that when it comes to something like the belt use a size range. Something like "The belt in the movie is 4.5 inches wide, for costumes belt 4-5 inches will be acceptable. Just my thoughts. Any comments or thoughts are appreciated.
I think the most important thing with the belt is that it's in proportion to the wearer. The screen belt is indeed 4.5 inches and for most people that will work, however, there are some taller kylos who look better with a 5-inch belt and some shorter ones who I've seen look better with a 4-inch belt.

That said the CRL does say 'approximately 4.5 inches' so I think as long as it looks proportional, you should be okay.

(now if we could just get rid of the pic of the horribly inaccurate boots in the crl I'd be a happy man)
Except if you, me or James or someone else serious makes some boots soon and share the pics, or maybe if someone can take good shots of original ones, it will be difficult to see some accurate boots picture aha..
I started the design of mines, I admit I am very unsure about how to finish them, especially fixing the sole and zipper...

About buckle size, if the actor is actually 190cm tall and has a 4,5" belt buckl:
-A 5" buckle is for a 211cm high guy
-A 4" buckle is for a 168cm tall guy, much more common, especially for female Kylos.

I made same calculation for my sleeves, following your original sleeve pattern and compared to my own observations.

I would suggest a 4,5" buckle for male and 4" for female kylos.
This is why I made my 4,5" belt buckle and made some molds, and bought some onyx, to offer some casts for sale.
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