Star Wars Anthology (Boba Fett Origin)

Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Josh Trank)

I'm sure there are people who aren't big fans of Gareth Edwards as well, but I do like that LF is willing to take a gamble with younger sci-fi directors. Also not sure if Fox execs were the reason why the FF reboot casting has been such a mess. As long as Trank can control his Michael B. Jordan love fest, this could turn out to be a solid addition to the SW-verse.
Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Josh Trank)

Why does Josh Trank get a Star Wars flick and not Edgar Wright!?!
Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Josh Trank)

Was his getting high the reason for the fantastic four sounding like its going to be terrible, or was he getting high because he realised it was so terrible?
Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Josh Trank)

we have a separate thread for that film and posted that news already.

What? Well that's a bummer. I thought this was that thread just assumed the Trank talk was general "stand alone Star Wars film" news talk. If it bothers you, go ahead and ask a mod to delete it. I'm not picky. Here's an SNES Vader to make up for it.

Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Josh Trank)

The bits about Trank "behaving badly" date back to November and news about the FF is coming out regularly (trailer imminent? composer named, sequel pushed up). So as much as I want the rumor about Trank not doing a Star Wars film to be true, I'm guessing (at this point, at least) it's still on.

I think most already expect the worst from this FF movie. I'm not sure why anyone would give him - with his limited experience and with practically no track record would give him control over FF, not to mention something as huge as Star Wars film. I understand wanting to get some new, younger blood in the mix... but Trank's just made one movie.
Re: Josh Trank SW Anthology Film

Yeah, apparently he is a bit of a mess in his personal life as of late.
The rumors are wild... and I hope they're not true. If there is some truth, I hope he's able to overcome them.

But more importantly... based on what I've seen of FF, I don't want him anywhere near Star Wars.

Now, let's get EDGAR WRIGHT a STAR WARS movie!!
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