TRON Sark Should Pads Identification


Sr Member
Hello, I have been searching and researching and searching and researching, and as yet been unsuccessful at identifying the shoulder pads used for Sark in the original 1982 TRON movie. They have a very unique outline shape and are different than the Jofa pads used for the "good guys" costumes. Is there anyone here who was involved with the Sark costume construction (or knows someone who was) that can say at least what brand of pads were used? Model name if known would be super helpful as well. Thanks!

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I have no idea about these things but a quick search came up with these

Same overall shape and stitching, I wonder if they were made way back in the early 80's?

Yes, that one so far was the most similar in shape when I was searching, but not close enough to buy rather than build from scratch. The gap between the shoulder pad and bicep pad is too wide and the bicep pad is the wrong shape. Besides, it's "currently unavailable" so wouldn't matter anyway. I have already searched Google with a number of different keyword combinations, as well as Amazon and eBay. What I was asking for is whether anyone might know what was used by Disney when constructing David Warner's costume, since people have identified the parts used for Bruce's and Jeff's costumes. Thanks for the replies.
Come on, Tron experts - I know you're out there, I've seen you posting at this site. I've acquired all the correct vintage hockey gear for my son's Tron costume and still trying to identify which product was used for Sark's shoulder cups. The whole pad (shoulder and bicep) would be great, but I'd take just the cup info over nothing at all. I'd like to finish acquiring all the parts before designing patterns for custom-made EL lighting, because yes - both costumes are going to GLOW.
Oh man! I wish I'd seen this before! I picked up these pads a while ago.

They also are labeled under the Malcolm Smith brand!

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