Hank Pym's Portable Office Building from Ant Man and the Wasp


Sr Member
I'm close to done with my attempt at a replica of Hank Pym's Portable Office Building as seen in the trailers for Ant Man and the Wasp. Overall I'm quite pleased with how it is turning out. Mine has a hinged lid with a cooler inside so it can be of practical use at DragonCon this year as I follow my wife around in her Hope Van Dyne Wasp costume. I've also put together Hank Pym's full costume with the brown field jacket, sweater vest, tie, glasses, etc. I did Pym in a suit last year at DragonCon, so this year's a bit more casual.

Some reference:

Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 12.13.19 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-05-28 at 12.02.02 PM.png

Construction is based on a rolling cooler with telescoping handle from Amazon.

Base is thick plastic sheet and pine lumber glued and screwed.

PymPortableOfficeIMG_9011.jpg PymPortableOfficeIMG_9012.jpg

Sides and top are Sintra.

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Slats and first floor storefront are styrene strips.


PymPortableOfficeIMG_9072.jpgPymPortableOfficeIMG_9071.jpg PymPortableOfficeIMG_9073.jpg

Windows are 3/8" stainless steel adhesive tape. I made extensive use of printed guides that I drew up in OmniGraffle and Adobe Illustrator to get the spacing correct for the window tape and the styrene strips for the slats.

PymPortableOfficeIMG_9124.jpg PymPortableOfficeIMG_9125.jpg

Continued next post...


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Roof details are mostly 3D modeled and printed, with some Sintra and styrene parts. I'm waiting to see the film before I finalize the details and weathering in case there are any surprises that aren't shown in the trailers.



Scored and scraped the roof Sintra sheet, then applied a diluted paint wash to get the right effect.


Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 10.16.16 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-06-27 at 10.15.47 PM.png

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Image attachments in the second post are not showing up in-line. I don't know why.

UPDATE - I think I fixed it.
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Yes! I plan to cut those from styrene sheet and glue them down hopefully this weekend if I can find the time.
Would you happen to have a template that I could use for all the stuff on the roof? I would like to see if I could make it out of cardboard but I just don’t know the size of it. Also thank you for answering my last question, it already got me started or making one of my own.
This is the sketch I drew for the plan view of the roof details. Each of the outer sides would be 12", so you could measure and scale from there.

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