Looking to get a lightsaber for my b-day, it's my first time and I need help


New Member
Hey guys! So my birthday is coming up on the 18th of May (soon I know) and I'm possibly interested in getting a lightsaber. There are SO many websites, and I know there are probably makers out there that I can't find unless I'm looking for them. I'm interested in a custom build, as long as it is not overly expensive. Perhaps something like a Katana lightsaber combo. If it's too much I'm also interested in just a standard saber I can buy premade. Are you guys able to recommend anyone out there? Thanks for the help
I second TCSS.

Great guy, great place.

Stay away from VadersVault & UltraSabers (unless you like gambling with crooks or low quality junk) ;)

But.. I guess define custom.. something YOU make? or someone else makes for you?
Though it doesn't have Lightsaber electronics, but is a working flash replica. Romans props has a killer deal for the force awakens graflex saber right now check him out if u want a static build


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Darth Alice of The Rebel Armory forum makes great custom katana sabers but like most completely custom one-off sabers with electronics, they are more expensive than the mass produced stuff.
Hi mwthecool, and welcome aboard ... are you looking
for a static hilt or a lightsaber with light and sound FX?

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