Botany Bay SS Blueprints


Well-Known Member

Here is something that started out as basic templates in order to make a 1/350th background model for my TOS E and got carried away. I looked around and couldn’t find a set of DY-100 blueprints I liked, so these have evolved over the past few days. I know that there are a few kits out there, 1/350th and ½ studio scale, but that’s no fun.

I have a few pics of the SS model that I was able to extract basic dimensions and proportion from and I am pretty happy with the results. I am looking for a clear picture of the part on the bottom of the very aft bulkhead. If anyone has info they can share I would be interested in adding it to the drawings.

Please before anyone start down the “Studio Scale model part secrecy road”, I DO NOT want to know what kit it's from. I don’t plan on building a studio scale version, just a 1/350th version, plus I want the drawings to be as close as possible.

The other parts are easily identified as car oil pans and supercharger risers. Also they used the same grill material as on the Enterprise's pylons for the antenna array. Copy/pasted that right over from my Enterprise drawings, fit perfectly.

These are just the draft, done at studio scale 43 + inches long and are by no means complete or perfect. So any feedback is encouraged.


SS Botany Bay Draft 2017.jpg

SS Botany Bay 3D Draft 2017.jpg
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Thank you, yes I have those, they are the best pics of that area I have been able to locate, just enough detail to tease you, but not quite enough.

May just have to make my best guess and live with it.

I don't think these provide any useful information but I thought I would post them anyway; just in case they could help.

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-Ok guys and gals I am new to this forum so please be nice and ill share
do a cutaway drawing of the Botany Bay and I am curious on some drawing or blue prints or sketches even, the external pods are they fuel tanks or cargo pods?
and do they each and I mean individually detach from the ship? if so how are the fuel/cargo pods attached to the 45 degree sides as there are no attachment pads save the top and bottom of the hull


Matt Jefferies' drawings of what he called an "antique space freighter" said its up to sixteen "panniers" (I think that's how he spelled it) could be carried in any number.

My guess as to attachment involves "nesting" of the two flat panels on each pod, as described in my own VERY old blueprints, archived here:

As to their content, that would depend on the ship's mission. In the case of Khan's, I figure two modules (likely those outboard) contained decks at right angles to the ship's length, as shown in "Space Seed" (whose set arrangement would not allow for sufficient such identical decks for 9-odd cold sleep canisters if located otherwise).

Sixteen modules less five leaves thirteen...but this begs the question of why Botany Bay, when found, had five (three, presumably, fuel). A realistic sublight starship would use equal volumes of fuel in accelerating and decelerating, making BB's retention of an odd number of (fuel) modules inexplicable. Perhaps the ship's taking meteor damage stopped use/jettisoning of 3 fuel modules?

It goes without saying that BB would NOT look as found when launched from Earth. Take the "Voyager" episode (and others' BB at launch model) as artistic license. An "actual" ground-launched DY would have to be both load-balanced (save for the "conning tower," its weight internally offset) and streamlined. ST production staff knew this...but such a DY would have been an unrecognizable artifact to the average viewer...


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