This Was Sci-Fi (A Collection of promos from The Sci-Fi Channel)


Master Member
Man, this certainly brings back some memories (I started watching the channel in 1992. I was finishing up Primary School and going into Middle School). I remember seeing some of these promos and programming shown when it was available on the big satellite dishes and back before Sci-Fi scrambled the channel. I wouldn't see the channel again until 1997, when I was in high school. I figured this would be a big of a blast for anyone who remembers The Sci-Fi Channel, back before they became "SyFy".

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The good days, before the Empire...err, whatever her name was that though they needed to be ultra cheap, more fantasy, and that wrestling was a good idea. She then got promoted to USA, where she killed off that excellent slate as well.
The good days, before the Empire...err, whatever her name was that though they needed to be ultra cheap, more fantasy, and that wrestling was a good idea. She then got promoted to USA, where she killed off that excellent slate as well.

Bonnie Hammer. The Hammer part in of her name refers to the fun she bashed out of the channel, starting with Farscape.

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Loving how this thread has gone. *lol* Girlfriend's watching Van Helsing on Netflix out of morbid curiosity. Here's the conversation that ensued:

"...Is there a base with Marines within 40 miles of Seattle?"
"Specifically? No. There are Marines on every base, though, as security. Why?"
"Watching that Van Helsing show. It's apparently supposed to be Seattle... Marines are guarding somebody and made a comment about base being only 40 miles away and I'm like...'You sure about that, show?'
I mean, I don't have high standards for syfy channel shows. But damn... Yellowstone erupted causing earthquakes within 1000 mile radius... Characters IN SEATTLE said they'd be fine because the Pacific Northwest was safe.
I'm screaming so hard internally.
It's a ****ing vampire syfy channel show. It doesn't have high standards to meet. What the hell, guys?
I'm making a law. All filmmakers who put stuff in Seattle need some basic ****ing education first."

I fondly remember the "This is Sci-Fi" station breaks. The Jet Li one has always been my favorite.
Loving how this thread has gone. *lol* Girlfriend's watching Van Helsing on Netflix out of morbid curiosity. Here's the conversation that ensued:

"...Is there a base with Marines within 40 miles of Seattle?"
"Specifically? No. There are Marines on every base, though, as security. Why?"
"Watching that Van Helsing show. It's apparently supposed to be Seattle... Marines are guarding somebody and made a comment about base being only 40 miles away and I'm like...'You sure about that, show?'
I mean, I don't have high standards for syfy channel shows. But damn... Yellowstone erupted causing earthquakes within 1000 mile radius... Characters IN SEATTLE said they'd be fine because the Pacific Northwest was safe.
I'm screaming so hard internally.
It's a ****ing vampire syfy channel show. It doesn't have high standards to meet. What the hell, guys?
I'm making a law. All filmmakers who put stuff in Seattle need some basic ****ing education first."

I fondly remember the "This is Sci-Fi" station breaks. The Jet Li one has always been my favorite.

I know what you mean about the quality. And what's worse, they keep killing the shows that have any kind of quality to it. Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome, Defiance, Dark Matter and now, more recent The Expanse (thanks to Amazon for giving it a second chance). I miss those station breaks too, IP. I also miss Friday Prime and the bumpers they had for that, too.
Early mornings on SciFi Channel when they played Star Wars Droids and Captain Scarlet were my jam.
Early mornings on SciFi Channel when they played Star Wars Droids and Captain Scarlet were my jam.

That must have been sometime after they started scrambling their programming on the big satellite dishes in 1993 (I think), as I remember Captan Scarlet and I remember watching Thunderbirds as well. I remember them showing in the morning time The New Adventures of Giagantor as well. Sunday Mornings, I remember them showing Misfits of Science and My Secret Identity.