TrooperTrents NEW floating Jedi remote!


Legendary Member
Ok gang!! Halliwax here, I know I know I’ve been a ghost. The truth it things are finally catching up!!

I wanted to share with everyone my Jedi training remote I got from trent.

I’ve had it for a few weeks but haven’t had a living breathing second to do anything until tonight. Caught up on some things late tonight and am wicked excited to share this!!


So if your new to this, check out the link below to Trent’s first generation of the Jedi training remote for a brief history on how 10 years ago he made the impossible happen!

He’s now improved it with freak’n lights!!


I’ve had this thing spinning since I got it a few weeks ago. One thing I left out of the video is I use it as a nite lite. I live in my parents basement... ok everyone stop laughing, it is a finished basement apartment. ... granted my living quarters looks like you stepped back in time to 1982 with the wood paneling, but I remodeled all the other parts so give me a break! [emoji6]

Anyway! It gets dark down here with only 1 window, so I put the lights on when I go to bed with a single tap and it lights up most of my living room.

When you get those late night pee emergency’s I now never have to worry about tripping over one of my bikes, or stubbing my toes on the corners of the door ways again! [emoji6]

Freak’n huge shout out to trent for doing this for me! It’s the most talked about piece in my collection. My mother is my biggest fan, and when I showed her she couldn’t believe technology like this existed..

Everyone who comes over thinks it some kind of trick, like there is a motor behind it, or it’s actually hanging from my ceiling... when I pick it up off the stand and hand it to them they freak. It’s also pretty heavy so you gotta see their face once they hold it for them self’s lol

Trent now has these in his Etsy store, I don’t know if I’m allowed to share Etsy store links but you can find it in the description box in my YouTube video.

This thing is out of this world!!

Thanks trent for making this happen!!!

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It’s freak’n amazing. I gotta order me a darthhair helmet now and make a blast shield to display this with

It just spins and spins and spins, right round right round

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That is way cool!

I'm not seeing it in his shop, though...

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I'm only doing one at a time. I had one listed this morning and it sold so I'll list another one when this one is done and shipped out. You can see it in the "sales" link. I wish etsy would let you keep sold out items in the store so you could still view it and get updates on when more will be in stock.
If someone knows how to do that, please let me know.
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I can’t find it in your sold items but I would be completely interested. Pm me a price idea when you get a chance thanks.

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Hey guys. Just so everyone is clear, I will not be making a lot of these. They take a long time to make and my time with my family is worth a lot more than most people are probably willing to pay. I won't be churning these out and I'm not going to do a signup list. The only thing I'll be able to do is one remote at a time, at a pace that is comfortable for me, where I can give it the time and attention it deserves. That's why I only keep one in my etsy shop at a time. When someone orders, it's a 2-3 week turn around time (they're made to order) and when that one ships out and I have the time freed up, I'll put another one in my shop and it will be at a price that makes it worth it for me to invest the time away from family in order to make it.

For example. When the one in my shop was purchased this morning, I immediately started working on printing the model pieces. I've been doing that all day, non stop since 7am. That's 13 hours of babysitting the printer. It will then take another few hours to measure, mark, and cut the sphere. and another several hours to build the remote, another day to paint, another to weather, test, pack, ship, etc. All in all it's around 45+- hours. Material cost is over $140 per remote, so if I priced them at $499 each, that's roughly $350 for 45 hours, which is just barely over minimum wage LOL. I work 60+ hours a week at my normal job so, working over the entire weekend instead of spending it with my family isn't something I'm going to be willing to do very often unless it's financially worth it. ;)

Just trying to put it into perspective. This will more than likely be a very very limited edition.

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I know we aren’t allowed to post eBay links... I didn’t know if we are allowed to share Etsy links.. so instead of getting in trouble here I put the link in the YouTube description... which I explained in my post....

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