Eric Stoltz Marty Mcfly Costume

I've Been looking for jeans of a similar cut to Eric's and I've narrowed my search to Levi's 505 jeans.

These were popular in the 80s and you can still buy vintage pairs for pretty cheap on eBay.

The bagginess is the same and the way they widen slightly towards to bottom, covering the shoes looks spot on.

Any thoughts on this?

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Ive heard that stoltz's performance wasn't hitting the "funny" points as desired for the comedic tones the director wanted. which is what makes seeing this version would be so awesome to see!
It won't ever get released. Legal redtape, Eric Stoltz. What are you gonna do. There's photos at least. It's a bit of a tease that we only got to see a small amount with no dialogue. It had a different tone, and what if that tone is interesting, maybe not Back to the Futureish but whatever. Variety is the spice of life.

We could definitely use your optimism over in the "Solo" subforum. :)
Currently having the fabric rewoven to make an accurate jacket. Once I have it in hand I'll be sending it over to magnoli to create the jacket.

Surprisingly I've found enough photos to get a pretty good idea of the pattern. Somethings however are still a mystery like the lining and zip type.

I was thinking for the lining having a black, quilted poly cotton but what would you guys recommend, or is there any pictures showing the inside of the jacket?

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Thanks for your offer. :)

I already found the 4-page patent document. You can find almost the full shirt graphic and text there (just the used font on the shirt is different and the outer lines of the guitar drawings are thicker, but that's no problem).

I just can't identify, what this bottom part is. It's not from the patent document.
That's great, are you gonna do a run of them once you perfect the design?

If so I'd obviously be interested!

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Alright so I've had the plaid shirt pattern made up, what do you guys think.

All are slightly different, which looks the most accurate?

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I have found a gutiar patent shirt on Amazon. Not screen accurate, but about 90% accurate. It has the exact same picture as Eric had on his shirt, except on the top its a little different in terms of the text. But it will suffice until a screen accurate one makes it's way into the consumer market.

Now in terms of costume, this is now my #1 primary cosplay I will be doing for Mega-Con in Florida in 2019. It will be interesting to see what the reactions will be. I have some black jeans, and a blue plaid flannel shirt. It looks similar to Eric's. All I need is my new paycheck and order the Amazon shirt. I'll post a link to it if anyone is interested
Just dusting off an old thread here but almost a year later, a very small supply of accurately rewoven material has been created for Eric's Jacket. So happy to finally have this, and absolutely can't wait to have it made into a proper jacket.


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For Mega-Con Florida this year I plan on doing Eric Stoltz's Marty the second day I'm there. I found a good close shirt on Amazon, and I have a good plaid shirt to use. Just need the pants next and converse
Any update on this? I've been obsessed with that jacket for about 3 years now! Closest match I've managed to find would be this.
Eric's black jacket reminds me of a jacket that Anthony Michael Hall had worn in Weird Science. Both movies were made around the same time for Universal. Like with BTTF, Weird Science had a similar situation involving casting. Kelly Emberg was the original Lisa but she was fired when Kelly LeBrock became available. One thing that doesn't get mentioned in those two 2015 books about BTTF is that the 1984 script (which can be found online) has a sight gag involving the Weird Science comic book during that barn scene.

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