Star Wars Anthology (Boba Fett Origin)

Evidently in the new canon, this has been disavowed, but I've really liked the theory that it was Boba Fett that Vader had hired to secretly look for the droids in Tattooine, & it was him that killed Owen & Beru.

The story went that Vader was secretly always looking for any advantage in his pocket for when he eventually went up against Palpatine. He'd heard the Death Star had some flaw, & Vader wanted to know what it was, so he hired Fett to hunt them for him on the down low. Since he was already there in Jabba's palace, it wasn't too hard to do.

He tracked them to the Jawas, killed them, tracked them to the Lars homestead, killed them, then went to Mos Eisley since that'd be their best bet on leaving the planet. When Jabba came to town to confront Solo, Fett hooked back up with him to provide back up in case Chewie got out of hand.

When Vader heard about the death toll Fett had left in his wake, he felt it drew too much attention to basically a Black Op that Vader was running behind Palpatine's back. Plus, he didn't know if Luke would be with the Falcon crew when Fett caught up with them, so he gave the "No disintegration" order.

I've always loved that theory, but alas, it wasn't to be.
Boba is not a good guy and it's pretty damn hard to make a movie that the general public like when the lead is a bad dude

He's not a good guy, but I'm not sure if I'd call him a bad guy either. The old Star Wars Bounty Hunter video game from when AOTC was released did a great job at portraying Jango as an in-between, but still someone you care about.
Here's the problems with a Boba Fett movie:

1. It's easy to say he's a hired gun, and could just as easily be hired by good guys... But ultimately he's always been presented as a bad guy. Star Wars is very black and white. The closest you get to an anti-hero is Han or Cassian-- both of whom are pulled into good guy territory once the movies kick in. In a franchise that deals with simplistic good vs. evil, Lucasfilm, especially in the Disney era, isn't likely to have the star of their feature be a dude that's always been presented as a villain.

2. Temura Morrison and Daniel Logan cannot open a $200m+ movie. This isn't meant as a slight, but they aren't "sexy" casting. The post-Lucas era SW are cast in a very specific way. They star young attractive people who are surrounded by a cast of veteran supporting characters with genre fan favorites thrown in the mix, and maybe a middle-aged British dude to be a villain. The only SW movie I see breaking this pattern is an Obi-Wan film, but Ewan McGregor is a fan favorite, legit box office draw, and award winning actor to boot. There's also the fact that fandom is pretty split over Morrison and Logan. Purists will only accept one of them in the role, while the anti-PT fans won't want them anywhere near it, and will expect Boba's OLD voice.

3. Given that he's dead post ROTJ (shut up, he's dead, no one cares about Dark Empire anymore), this would be another prequel. That makes the scope and the stakes will be limited to not undo or outdo anything in the saga episodes.

All THAT said, if Mangold is clever as hell and mages to work around these, or better yet, acknowledge and address them, it could be a pretty sweet movie. Maybe Boba Fett simply never speaks or takes off the helmet. Maybe it's somebody new taking on the mantle Dread Pirate Roberts style post ROTJ who happens to have a heart of gold. There's ways to do it...
There certainly seems to have been an occasion where Fett disintegrated a target that Vader had wanted whole...

Boba Fett: *Disintegrates bounty* Dude did you see her? That chick looked just like that Queen from Naboo 20 years ago!
Vader: *silently fuming*

2. Temura Morrison and Daniel Logan cannot open a $200m+ movie. This isn't meant as a slight, but they aren't "sexy" casting. The post-Lucas era SW are cast in a very specific way. They star young attractive people who are surrounded by a cast of veteran supporting characters with genre fan favorites thrown in the mix, and maybe a middle-aged British dude to be a villain. The only SW movie I see breaking this pattern is an Obi-Wan film, but Ewan McGregor is a fan favorite, legit box office draw, and award winning actor to boot. There's also the fact that fandom is pretty split over Morrison and Logan. Purists will only accept one of them in the role, while the anti-PT fans won't want them anywhere near it, and will expect Boba's OLD voice.

If the actor who played Jango is alive and able to act, I don't want to see anyone else playing him. We got that dude in SOLO because Ford is too old for the part. Unless they pull some BS where Boba Fett isn't Jango's clone anymore, it wouldn't make sense.
If the actor who played Jango is alive and able to act, I don't want to see anyone else playing him. We got that dude in SOLO because Ford is too old for the part. Unless they pull some BS where Boba Fett isn't Jango's clone anymore, it wouldn't make sense.

Right-- Temura Morrison. You're making my point-- a purist would want the original casting honored. I'm just saying that the odds of Lucasfilm hanging a starring role on a middle-aged actor barely known outside of New Zeland on a $200m+ movie is very, very unlikely.

He was one of the only things about AOTC that I liked, it's just not likely.
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Daniel Logan, who played young Boba, is all growed up...


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Even though google sez Bulloch is 6', Fett never struck me as particularly tall. I guess standing next to Vader and IG-88 will do that.

BTW Temuera Morisson is 5' 7"....
It would be fun, but it’s the same issue as Morrison— he doesn’t have the box office cache that Lucasfilm would want.
This is your favorite song, isn't it? ;)

Lol...absolutely not. Some of my favorite actors of all time are short! But I don't like when actors are miscast--especially if they're trying (and failing) to fill the shoes of the actor who preceded them in the role and who made the character iconic.

Now, I'm not gonna look up the heights of all these actors, each of whom ranks among my favorites of all time, but I think it's safe to say they are all 5' 8" and under.

* Bogart
* Edward G. Robinson
* Cagney
* Brynner
* Nicholson
* DeNiro
* Pacino
* Hoffman
* Robin Williams
* Depp

The Wook
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After the turd that is Solo I'm not really expecting a whole hell of a lot from this Boba Fett movie. Lucasfilm should've condensed these movies down and just had Boba Fett be the main villain or one of the villains in the Solo movie but nope, nada, they are going to have a Star Wars Story movie for every creature and human in the entire galaxy. This crap sure is getting tiresome.
Whoooooff... The anti-Daniel vibe in here kinda stings. I think he'd be perfect. He definitely lands about halfway between the punk wannabe teenager who got thoroughly humiliated by Ventress when we last saw him in Clone Wars... and the cold, ruthless, competent "most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy" of ESB. I think this director could get a pretty rockin' performance out of him.

And he already has the costume. *lol*
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