Star Wars Anthology (Boba Fett Origin)

This could actually be pretty cool. Based on Logan, Mangold is exactly the kind of blockbuster director I'd like to see working on these films. And I actually like the idea of this more than a Solo movie, although I think he would be a perfect choice for a Kenobi film. He's pretty much a blank slate character. You can do a lot more with him without upsetting fans or disrupting continuity, especially since he pretty much went out like a chump in ROTJ.

Now let's just hope Mangold and KK come to a clear agreement on what this movie is gonna be before filming anything, and then she ends up firing him.
Still the worst idea since Greedo shooting first. But, while I'm not a huge fan of Logan (I thought The Wolverine was much better) - I do think they got the right guy for this gig. There won't be any Miller-Lord miscues with this one.

Now just give us an Obi-Wan movie.
Yes! So excited for this. I was worried it wasn’t going to happen - thank The Maker.

Boba Fett, Slave I and the world they inhabit are my favourite parts of Star Wars. I’m hoping lots of awesome design.


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Well, Daniel Logan *did* get his own ESB Boba gear recently. [emoji16]

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If this becomes a reality this time, I see strong potential for it to rub up against a Solo sequel or maybe instead of a Solo sequel, story elements from those would be weaved into this.
While I'm all for exploring different sides of the Star Wars universe (e.g. criminal underbelly), I wish we could start branching out from the OT characters and start making movies (A) unconnected to OT events we already kinda know about, and (B) OT characters we already kinda know about.

They need to start taking more risks and branching out.
While I'm all for exploring different sides of the Star Wars universe (e.g. criminal underbelly), I wish we could start branching out from the OT characters and start making movies (A) unconnected to OT events we already kinda know about, and (B) OT characters we already kinda know about.

They need to start taking more risks and branching out.

Keep in mind, Dan, there is a film trilogy being developed by Rian and separate stand alone films from the Game of Thrones guys in the works all of which sound to be unique. And the Favreau TV series.
I agree. Temuera Morrison would do a great job. I'd still give him some facial scars and things so he looks different than Jango.

Like when he was in Spartacus? I’d like it if they used Temuera but he may be getting a little old, unfortunately.

I’d vote for someone else coming across his armour on Tattoine and they push a button, Slave I turns up and they climb aboard.

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I would like to see this set between ANH and ESB. I hope the movie doesn't start with him crawling out of the sarlacc pit. I don't want to see anymore killed off characters somehow miraculously survive (Looking at you Darth Maul).
They could fill in some crucial post ROTJ gaps if they went with old man Boba. I just pray to god they don't do a lame origin, little kid Boba post Geonosis or whatever. Also, I hope they go the Dredd 3D route: helmet on, not much to say, mystery intact.
Perhaps it was not the first time that Darth Vader summoned the bounty hunters? .. I'd LOVE to see a movie where they pursue a common bounty and we see the chase/in fight/competition/backstabbing that I always thought happened when they went after Han

If LF do that I hope they use the same voice for Dengar as in BF1 :thumbsup

Boba is not a good guy and it's pretty damn hard to make a movie that the general public like when the lead is a bad dude

But someone finding Boba's outfit post-Sarlacc is also a pretty neat idea, I dig that!


Well, Darth Vader certainly addresses BF directly with his raised hand and pointy finger .. So, perhaps the BF movie is all about how BF messed up and try to redeem himself to look good to Vader ... Nah

I want BF to go all out and have kill score as good as Commando :lol
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