robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build (now a 6 day build. send help)


Sr Member

(I spent far longer on that header than I should have)

As my Blade Runner 2049 build winds down (link), I'm starting prep on my next build. The brown suede jacket that Han Solo wears in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
The plan is to have it done by the premiere so I can wear it to said premiere. Thankfully it's a much smaller scale project than Officer K's coat (and I'm only making one this time which is nice).

My jacket will be slightly different in a few respects to the original:

- Longer. I can't do the short jacket It'll still be open at the front though.
- faux suede instead of real for cost purposes.
- It'll be a slightly darker brown than the original, mainly due to the limits of the colours of faux suede available. (I had bought a lighter colour but when it arrived it was much the wrong colour)

So this is roughly what it will look like:

This is straight from Marvelous Designer, which is what I use for my patterning. This is, I think, my 11th iteration of the pattern, I've made a calico version to test the fit (around version 6 or so) and I think I'm ready to go onto the final product.

It may still be another week or so before things start up over here though, so stay tuned.
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Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

Looking forward to watching the progress of this. GOOD LUCK with everything! :thumbsup
Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

Haha, I've been following your K thread (planning to start on him next) and I'm hoping to do this costume over the summer too if I like the movie. Looking forward to seeing it! One thing I'm wondering, for the 'pocket' things on the front (that get covered up by the side panels), are you going to make those at all functional? I had been thinking of making the upper part of the side panels a separate layer on mine, with the ability to slide your hand in under the black parts and into the pockets. I haven't decided if it'll be worth the extra effort though, since I probably wouldn't ever actually use the pockets. (I hope what I mean is clear enough, I'm not very good at talking about sewing/patterning techniques)
Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

Haha, I've been following your K thread (planning to start on him next) and I'm hoping to do this costume over the summer too if I like the movie. Looking forward to seeing it! One thing I'm wondering, for the 'pocket' things on the front (that get covered up by the side panels), are you going to make those at all functional? I had been thinking of making the upper part of the side panels a separate layer on mine, with the ability to slide your hand in under the black parts and into the pockets. I haven't decided if it'll be worth the extra effort though, since I probably wouldn't ever actually use the pockets. (I hope what I mean is clear enough, I'm not very good at talking about sewing/patterning techniques)

I was initially just going to sew everything down, but they will indeed be functional. It's a bit of weird jacket. As far as I can see, that whole edge is unsecured except for the 2 little rectangles of topstitching by the pockets. Can't say I've seen a jacket like it before.


and speaking of functionality, I will be doing the little straps/buckles on the back, they were just a bit hard to do in marvelous designer so I left them off.

I've also been looking at the faux suede I bought, and it's actually quite thin, but I think if I were to back it with some of the canvas left over from K's coat, it should bring it up to the right thickness...on it's own it might end up a bit too like a shirt, it needs some structure.
Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

Huh, I hadn't looked at it that closely... certainly an unusual design. I might end up only leaving the part above the pockets unsecured.
Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

That's similar to what's been done on the one I'm having made, everything along the green line is not secured down (on both sides). It lifts and you can access the pocket.

Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

I'll be following this thread closely! Looks like it will be a solid build, can't wait to see some more updates.
Re: robo3687's Solo: A Star Wars Story Jacket Build

So, fun story. I had planned to make this in the month of April, and end around Star Wars day. That didn't happen. Then I sort of half started it a week or so ago, I got all the bits cut out and then it just sat there as other (admittedly more important) stuff took my attention away.

And then I realised the movie comes out in 6 days.

So here we are, welcome to my less than a week, panic speedbuild of the Solo jacket that I likely won't finish in time for the premiere but I'm damn well gonna try.

This is where I'm at so far:

- all parts are cut out (sort of, more on that in a sec)
- i have all the topstitching cotton I could need.
- i have buckles.

A picture of what I'm doing today:

You might be wondering what's up with all the grey canvas (yes, that is the same canvas from my K coat build), well...

The faux suede I bought ended up being way too thin and flimsy, so I've cut all the pieces out of the canvas for strength and will essentially be interlining the faux suede with it. Kind of like how I did the sleeve linings on the K coat. What that essentially means, is now that I've cut out the 40 odd pieces from the canvas, I get to do it all over again. (yay?)

So that's what I'm doing today. Tomorrow, I get to sew all those pieces together. Then hopefully on Sunday or Monday, I can start assembling the jacket.

Once I get to that point, I can see things moving relatively quickly, but first I have to get to that point.

Someone told me I was crazy for trying to do this in a week. To them I say:

"Never tell me the odds."
*Lunchtime of the second day*

Alright, so I slacked off a bit on the weekend. I'm now in the middle of what is now day 2 of the build. I have today and tomorrow before the movie comes out on Thursday.

Here's where I'm at:


My sincere hope is that by the end of today I'll have the body all together, that way I'll only have the sleeves to do tomorrow.

I think this might be possible...
Initiate “Beast Mode”

it's honestly more, "what corners can I cut?"

So far I've made compromises on:

- no lining
- faux side pockets
- no closures on the sleeve cuffs

and I'm considering dumping the little straps on the back as well since I'm not 100% happy with the buckles I got. That and they don't really seem to serve a purpose...

but anyhoo, back to work for me...
View attachment 819072The Hollywood Arclight Cinema has Han, Qi'ra, and Lando screen used costumes on display. I made three albums for them on Flickr. Hope these help.
Han Solo:

those are some great shots, very helpful.

*Lunchtime of the 3rd day - A Reprieve!*

Well, I didn't get as much done yesterday as I'd planned to, but good news! I get an extra days work. I had been planning to go to a morning screening of the movie, but turns out the local cinema isn't doing one on Thursday, and the first screening is at 6pm. So I get most of Thursday to work on it as well.

So the body should be going together today and this is where it's at now:


The sleeves, then done...simple right?
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