
New Member
Hello everyone!That's my first time posting a thread and I'm really excited...So I decided to make my first cosplay and I want it to be the Black Panther suit from Captain America:Civil War.I want your help fellas for everything you can give me.I don't have anything on the materials for the suit etc...Thanks guys!
Welcome to the RPF :)

Nobody is going to do the work for you so you might want to start with using the search feature to look at threads other members have already started. As well, if you are not planning on making everything yourself by hand, you may find items in the junkyard - such as a helmet.

Good luck and be sure to post pics of your build.
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I'd say to start looking at getting a Zentai printed with the pattern. You can then use puff paint on top which will give the 3d effect.
As for the helmet/mask, There's sellers on Etsy making decent masks, alternatively you could look into the mask by Killerbody
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