RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *FINISHED 5/14*

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

That's so cool to hear the cowl is supposed to sit off the nose. I was getting ready to "doctor" my helmet, & apply a bit of glue.
View attachment 812885

You saved me me from doing something stupid!
I thank you. :D

Good to know lol

It's not an obvious detail to the casual observer, but I know one other person brought it up as well. I made mention to RS that it might be a good idea to add a note about that particular piece to avoid future confusion..
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

Absolutely superb tutorial!

Thanks for sharing all this really useful info



Once I get it all done, I'll be putting out a more detailed step by step process of this particular build.

The next helmet kit though will be a bit more covered, and will cover external and internal construction- and I'm going to be working to have a quality video produced for it as well. That one I'll be building as closely to a production helmet as possible, with the same materials.
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

Moving on, decided to knock out the hole for the helmet cap while it was still easy to work on. This part during the next build, i'll likely figure out mounting the hard hat liner before attaching everything else.


I trimmed the top portion of the cowl above the nose bridge. Looking at reference, I realized mine was a little too tall, and need to come down a bit. I did secure down the sides a little


The next challenging part was getting this mounted up. E6000 for this, of course magnets. I'm paranoid about the alignment but think it's fine. I am hoping that after the cowl is trimmed, weathered and a some wrinkles will improve the overall look of it. I'm not sure I can say I am entirely thrilled with how it's sitting currently.


Probably won't see an update until next week, as I'll be going out of town for the weekend to a con in Philly. I'll hopefully get to meet a prop builder for The Empire Strikes Back too, which will be exciting
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

I‘d bee so in for a kit, doesn’t look too hard after you did the detective work for us following builders.... :D:thumbsup

Nice tutorial so far, I’ll be watching closely! That fabric really makes it work for me!
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

Just got back from Infinity War, waiting all day to do this. Took off all the magnets and supporting tape. Pleased with how well it sits. I was paranoid about it being crooked or misaligned. Now I can move onto finishing the cowl. Feels like the home stretch for this build!


Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/27*

I want to put a note for folks who have gotten one of the finished helmets from RS. There's been a handful of people upset or unsure about the separation/gap of the cowl along the center of the nose bridge. This is an accurate part of the helmet, and it is intentional. If you do not like it, however, I would still strongly advise that you do NOT attempt to fix it yourself as the nature of the material is quite finicky. Gluing it down will likely result in making it look worse than you may feel it does before you do so.
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/27*

Nothing terribly exciting to post about today. Was at Great Philadelphia Comic Con this weekend so decided to do a little trimming of the front part of the cowl. I cut it off the bottom after determining where I need it to sit on me. I was wearing my snowy chest piece for this of course. The next part will be cutting the curves along the front-corners and where it will meet over the shoulders. One thing I noticed for sure is that I may have to throw a chin strap into this whether I want to or not. The cowl material is soft but when it bunches on top of itself it makes it such that it doesn't want to stay down. I'll see how it feels after I get the final trimming done.

And since it seems these photos elsewhere have gotten questions over it, the odd-shape in the center of the cowl, that's just a nasty crease that developed. Nothing I can really do about it unfortunately. Perhaps once I get the rest of it a little wrinkled, and weathered, it'll hide better.


Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/27*

Glued down the insides of the front-cowl. Used E6000 for this one.

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/1*

Reusing the vinly I initially used on my first go at gluing to the face plate. Didn't want it to go to waste. I will have to decided what "style" cowl I want to trim this too, now..

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/2*

On the home stretch now. Cowl is trimmed up and I'm happy with it. Secured the remaining unglued parts on the interior which be done tomorrow. All that is really left now is weathering and finishing up the interior!



Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/3*

Oh wow, that looks so good! Now go and try a new one and send this one to me..... !
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/3*

Oh, I’d try for sure....
(Please don’t let him have some navy seal background or such....). :rolleyes
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/3*


Chris, like you I got a kit to play around with . These photos show a mark one eyepiece before they perfected the sharp detail ones they sell , and that you have .

I pulled my cowl tight , but still loose over the nose , by using double sided tape .

I know you say barge cement was used, and I'm certainly not arguing with your expertise ... but I think the double sided tape works well .

Where were the original helmets made ? USA or uk ?
Barge has never been sold in the uk .

As to RS selling kits ...sorry folks it's just not going to happen . Full helmets only .

Great thread Chris by the way . This helmet is light years away from what has previously been available , it's just SO accurate .



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Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/3*

Chris, like you I got a kit to play around with . These photos show a mark one eyepiece before they perfected the sharp detail ones they sell , and that you have .

I pulled my cowl tight , but still loose over the nose , by using double sided tape .

I know you say barge cement was used, and I'm certainly not arguing with your expertise ... but I think the double sided tape works well .

Where were the original helmets made ? USA or uk ?
Barge has never been sold in the uk .

As to RS selling kits ...sorry folks it's just not going to happen . Full helmets only .

Great thread Chris by the way . This helmet is light years away from what has previously been available , it's just SO accurate

Nice to see another working on one of these helmets. Honestly if you didn't say anything I may have not even noticed it's a softer pull. I might suggest you've got a bit more meat around the eyes you could trim but I'm just picky so you can ignore that lol.

As for the Barge cement, that was something speculated but was more or less confirmed through the grape vine. If you look at the 2012 auction helmet where you see on the sides where the cowl separated from the inside of the plastic helmet. You can see the brown residue that looks very much like a contact cement. The question is if "barge" was used as a generic term rather than a brand name- it was the name associated with the glue though.

As for the costumes, I have to assume they were built in the UK but the soft parts were made by a costume company in Canada, which I believe explains why they used Canadian Mukluks.

And they told you they're not going to sell kits?
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/3*

So started the weathering part of the build.

I will say that the cowl material unsurprisingly is a pain. You simply can't do a whole lot without creasing it in various ways. I was hoping for a bit of a different look but I'm not entirely upset with it. I know it won't be everyone's "cup of tea." Some screen used helmet's cowls looked similar to this while others were quite perfectly flat and void of creases. So it's a mixed bag of semantics. Either way, no going back. I will be trying a specific method I learned during this process for my next build, though.

As for weathering, I will be using a technique provided by RS Props, where they use model glue (clear liquid kind) applied over select portions, let it dry in a few seconds and then apply acrylic paint, which in this case is Burnt Umber. I did throw in black acrylics, and mixed as well. There's no real way to quantify the ratios, but I simply mixed around, laid it down and applied as I liked.


I needed a good resolution reference and realized I had one hanging on my wall. The hard thing about the reference is that the weathering is never "clear" with these helmets. In this image, you can clearly see around the eyes/dome where it all is, however, distinguishing the actual colors is problematic. I know that on other clearer reference photos of the other costumes, it was clearly a mixture of black and browns (likely burnt umber or variant of).

Either way, the thing to keep in mind (like I've had to) is that being accurate here in terms of weathering may not be viewed as "the norm" for awhile, in that due to poor references for the last 40 years, merchandise, art, etc, people are attuned to a certain way snowtroopers are "suppose" to look VS what it actually looks like.



I did this late last night and after sleeping on it, I may go and reduce some of the heaviness of it. Fortunately some water or Windex will help resolve it. I only worked the front part of the helmet, sans the cowl. Will pick up tonight or tomorrow
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Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 5/11*

Well, here it is. All done, sans interior padding and chin strap. I'm happy with how it turned out. Not perfect by any means, but I'll get to hopefully address those minor issues with the next build!








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