Comic Inspired Batman Props


Master Member
I have made a ton of Batman movie props based on all the movies, but I noticed a glaring gap in my collection! I was a huge fan reading the comics religiously before Batman 1989 came out. I decided that I needed more props taken directly out of the comics.

I have modeled the first two in Fusion 360. Here are pictures of the models...

The first is the standard Batarang from the very famous time Neal Adams was drawing Batman (1970's). This was the style when I first started reading Batman. IT has a simple elegance that I've always loved.

batarang, neal adams v2.jpg

The second is from a comic run called Batman;Terror. It features Hugo Strange, The Scarecrow and Catwoman. It's always been one of my favorites. This is a glaive like throwing batarang.

Terror Batarang v10.jpg

I plan to have these printed relatively soon, so I'll post pictures when I start the builds.


  • batarang, neal adams v2.jpg
    batarang, neal adams v2.jpg
    31.8 KB · Views: 360
The prints arrived! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I plan to paint them blue as they appeared in the relevant comics. Here's a quick snapshot...

batarang temp.jpg
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