Global Effects is cleaning out it's attic.


Sr Member
Global Effects is cleaning out 32 years of stored and archived "stuff". Their 12,000 sq. ft. facility has to move, so molds, vacuum form parts, castings, costume, props, all the "extra" bits that are not moving, are being liquidated. Their shop and rental department are moving to a new location in 2019, but over the years, they have accumulated many things they don't want to move.

Global Effects started in 1986, and this is only their second move in over 30 years. Having worked on hundreds of movies, unknown number of TV show, countless special projects, they have so many of these things, in different storage areas, its going to take months to go through it all. As they clean out a storage area, and see what they have, these new items will identified, photographed and sold over the next 16 to 18 months. (Some of it hasn't been looked at since they moved into the building 20 years ago.)

At this point, all these items will be sold by orbital-surplus, on ebay.

Here is just a first sample of what is being offered:
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Yeah, those are pretty stupid.
ebay / shipping calculator seems expensive. It's being looked into and corrected.
A few interesting items, but what is up with the shipping fees?!?!?!?!

Im seeing shipping for like $14 bucks (cheap). are in Canada. It got really expensive to ship stuff back and forth across the border about 4 years ago.
I ship to the USA all the time but it's never that expensive.

I see that some of them have been updated now to more reasonable prices :)
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Another batch of stuff going up this week. Armageddon, Castle, Sky High, plus space stuff.
For all you 2001: A Spaces Odyssey fans, we found a mold master used to create the 2001 helmets for the IBM "Codernaut" commercials. It is up on Orbital-Surplus ebay page along with some stuff from Mars Attacks, Pluto Nash, Armageddon and Tim Allan's "Zoom"

We also have this odd "Turban" helmet mold master that looks like it may have been intended for Mystery Men, but other than that we have no idea.
This week we are adding pieces from:

The Watchman - Dr. Manhattan's FX Glove

Power Rangers - Alpha V torso

Year One - screen used rubber sword

Minority Report - eye surgery neck brace

Last Samurai - screen used pole weapon

Masters of the Universe - He-Man Dagger

Mr. & Mrs. Smith -Screen used body armor pieces

SpaceX -prototype Starman visor, rocket model

Power Rangers - Yellow Morpher

Fantastic Four -Von Doom logo plate

Robinhood: Men in Tights - rubber locket

Ben Hur (1959) - Roman spear

The Mexican - Gun molds

Plus: More space stuff, other props, molds and prop building supplies.
Lots of stuff to still go through.


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Orbital Surplus is still listing things we don't want to move and we found a mystery item; We have no idea where it's from.
Looks to be a mold master of a sculpted "turban". It was in with a bunch of things from the old Neo-Tek shop.

Any ideas?
God I would kill for a helmet from Outbreak. lmgill are you guys allowing people to come in person to sift through things?

I don't know why, but that turban reminds me of the towel that Arnold wraps around his head in Total Recall. But his wrapped in the other direction...
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No rummage sale, we are having the guys pick out items we no longer need or want to move. Excited about the move though, great new building, more space.
New items closing tomorrow. More items on the way.
We added a faceplate / Visor to our Bram Stokers Dracula helmet kit. We found a copy of the main visor, along with the extension piece for the proper pivot points. All from the original molds.
Orbital Surplus is still listing things we don't want to move and we found a mystery item; We have no idea where it's from.
Looks to be a mold master of a sculpted "turban". It was in with a bunch of things from the old Neo-Tek shop.

Any ideas?
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Many months too late but if that turban is still hanging around; looks identical to the “hardhats” from the Calcutta factory in BASEketball.


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