Sarah Connor half scale.


Sr Member
It's been a while since I did any real sculpting, so I have started on a Sarah Connor from Tech-Noir to go with my Terminator busts. It's been a bit dead around here, but hopefully there are still a few people who frequent these forums.

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Great to see some of the old crowd are still around. I hope to get this one done a bit quicker than the others... only Leigh takes longer than I do ;) I've done some refining but nothing really to show. I've ordered from fresh Sculpey to block out her hair because the old stuff I have has gone quite firm now and would take too much kneading. Hope to have something to show soon guys. Great to be back :)
It has been dead around here....a lot of lookers but few comments. I have a few of your terminator pieces....I know this is going to be good.
I've just picked up my Super Sculpey for the first time in 26 years so I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops - especially given your track record. :)
I think the likeness is really good. It's instantly recognizable. Sometimes we work on something so much we can't appreciate how good it is.
Looking really good! The likeness is getting there, Perhaps make her look a bit younger by reducing the cheek lines a bit and maybe her hair should be a bit bigger also?


  • The-Terminator-18-large.jpg
    383.1 KB · Views: 213
“and maybe her hair should be a bit bigger also?”

I have to agree with this, but what a beautiful likeness otherwise!

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did you soften the cheeks? It looks much better now. You are doing an amazing job! I am still in love with your Kyle Reece bust. I wish I had the money to buy one.
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